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  1. ‘Show/trials’: The performative aspect of the late prosecution of Nazi crimes Contribution
    Arnold, Stefan; Wilhelms, Kerstin (2024)
    In: Vormbaum, Moritz (Eds.), The last Nazi trials, Springer, Berlin, pp. 173-191
  2. The devil’s in the details: How countries’ defamation laws can (and can’t) combat hate speech Journal Article
    Carlson, Caitlin Ring; Terry, Christopher (2024)
    In: Journalism Practice, 18(2), pp. 242-264
  3. Thomas Middelhoff in Germany Contribution
    Gupta, Chander Mohan; Gottschalk, Petter (2023)
    In: Gottschalk, Petter; Gupta, Chander (Eds.), Trusted white-collar defendants. The courtroom as a theater scene, Springer, Cham, pp. 19-35
  4. Impending challenges to penal moderation in France and Germany. A strained restraint Book
    Drenkhahn, Kirstin; Jobard, Fabien; Singelnstein, Tobias (2023)
    ISBN 9781032188676, Routledge, London; New York
  5. On extreme forms of violence against women in Europe: Does femi(ni)cide exist in Germany? Contribution
    Luján Pinelo, Aleida (2022)
    In: Davinić, Marko; Kostić, Svetislav (Eds.), Gender competent public law and policies, Springer International Publishing, Cham, (Gender Perspectives in Law, ), pp. 109-129
  6. Vigilante justice in Germany Contribution
    Stürmer, Franziska (2022)
    In: Robson, Peter; Spina, Ferdinando (Eds.), Vigilante justice in society and popular culture : A global perspective, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, (Law, culture, and the humanities series, ), pp. 135-155
  7. Diversity, fake news and hate speech: The German response to algorithmic regulation Contribution
    Liesem, Kerstin (2022)
    In: Bannerman, Sara; Meese, James (Eds.), The algorithmic distribution of news. Policy Responses, Springer, Cham, pp. 209-231
  8. The criminal is always the foreigner?! A case study of minority signification in German crime reporting Journal Article
    Kakavand, Azade Esther; Trilling, Damian (2022)
    In: International Journal of Communication, pp. 1169-1196
    Open Access
  9. The migration–terrorism nexus: An analysis of German and Italian press coverage of the ‘refugee crisis’ Journal Article
    Galantino, Maria Grazia (2022)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 19(2), pp. 259-281
  10. The 'rocker' phenomenon in Germany: perceptions and government responses to outlaw bikers in historical perspective Contribution
    Heitmüller, Ulrike; Lampe, Klaus (2020)
    In: Antonopoulos, Georgios; Harvey, Jackie; Lampe, Klaus; Siegel, Dina; van Duyne, Petrus (Eds.), Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 477-503
  11. Crime in Germany as portrayed by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Journal Article
    Hestermann, Thomas; Hoven, Elisa (2020)
    In: German Law Journal, 21(4), pp. 721-738
  12. The new year’s 2015/2016 public sexual violence debate in Germany: media discourse, gendered anti-muslim racism and criminal law Contribution
    Vieten, Ulrike M. (2018)
    In: Bhatia, Monish; Poynting, Scott; Tufail, Waqas (Eds.), Media, crime and racism, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, (Palgrave studies in crime, media and culture, ), pp. 73-92