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  1. Hate crimes and hate speech in Germany: mapping of legal provisions and the interpretation of case law Contribution
    Carrera, Enara Garro (2024)
    In: Anderez Belategi, Mikel; Garro Carrera, Enara; Gordon Benito, Iñigo; Landa Gorostiza, Jon-Mirena (Eds.), Hate crimes in comparative legal perspective, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 39-77
  2. The devil’s in the details: How countries’ defamation laws can (and can’t) combat hate speech Journal Article
    Carlson, Caitlin Ring; Terry, Christopher (2024)
    In: Journalism Practice, 18(2), pp. 242-264
  3. Legal measures against hate speech and hate crime Contribution
    Valerius, Brian (2023)
    In: Hilgendorf, Eric (Eds.), Law in times of crisis. Festschrift for Yoram Danziger, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Schriften zum Strafrechtsvergleich, 20), pp. 335-350
  4. The legitimacy of offences criminalising incitement to terrorist acts: A European perspective Contribution
    Petzsche, Anneke (2022)
    In: Cancio Meliá, Manuel; Llobet Anglì, Mariona; Walker, Clive (Eds.), Precursor crimes of terrorism. The criminalisation of terrorism risk in comparative perspective, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham
  5. New school speech regulation as a regulatory strategy against hate speech on social media: The case of Germany's NetzDG Journal Article
    Griffin, Rachel (2022)
    In: Telecommunications Policy, 46(9), pp. 1-21
  6. Who can talk about abortion? Information, offence, freedom of speech, and the advertising ban in Germany Journal Article
    Ulbricht, Alexej (2021)
    In: Politics, pp. 1-14
  7. The German network enforcement act on the test bench Contribution
    Hilgendorf, Eric (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 161-175
  8. “L’État, c’est moi!” The defamation of foreign state leaders in times of globalized media and growing nationalism Journal Article
    Heinze, Alexander (2020)
    In: Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law, 9(1), pp. 33-67
  9. Tolerance and the limits of criminal law Journal Article
    Renzikowski, Joachim (2020)
    In: ULP Law Review / Revista de Direito da ULP, 13(1), pp. 5-17
  10. From legal to technical concept: towards an automated classification of German political Twitter postings as criminal offenses Contribution
    Zufall, Frederike; Horsmann, Tobias; Zesch, Torsten (2019)
    In: Association for Computational Linguistics, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2019 conference of the North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: human language technologies, Volume 1, Association for Computational Linguistics, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  11. Undesirable posters and dubious symbols. Anglo-German legal solutions to the display of right-wing symbolism and propaganda Journal Article
    Newman, Christopher J.; Rackow, Peter (2011)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, 75(2), pp. 142-155
  12. Open justice or open season?: Should the media report the names of suspects and defendants? Journal Article
    Bohlander, Michael (2010)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, 74(4), pp. 321-338