
Publication type

  1. Developmental and biographical issues in radicalization pathways: A comparative case analysis of homegrown German convicts of Islamist terrorism-related offenses Journal Article
    Moeller, Mika Josephine; Scheithauer, Herbert (2022)
    In: Terrorism and Political Violence, 36(2), pp. 214-233
  2. Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2022)
    In: Hoven, Elisa; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Consent and sexual offenses, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 183-196
  3. A German perspective Contribution
    Kaspar, Johannes ; Stübner, Susanne (2022)
    In: van der Wolf, Michiel (Eds.), Safeguarding the quality of forensic assessment in sentencing, Routledge, New York, pp. 146-174
  4. Criminal law Contribution
    Tsambikakis, Michael (2022)
    In: Gruning, David; Levasseur, Alain; Trahan, Randall (Eds.), The legal system of Germany, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, (Bibliothèque de l'Association Henri Capitant. Legal systems series, ), pp. 37-43
  5. Germany Contribution
    Kayacan, Derya Nur (2022)
    In: Kayacan, Derya (Eds.), The right to die with dignity. How far do human rights extend?, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, (European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World Series, 6), pp. 120-129
  6. Accelerated proceedings in criminal cases viewed from comparative law perspective Journal Article
    Kosonoga, Jacek (2022)
    In: Ius Novum, 16(2), pp. 54-75
  7. The issue of "Triage" in German criminal law Contribution
    Heinrich, Bernd (2022)
    In: (Eds.), Завдання кримінального права в умовах надзвичайного стану : Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 25-річчю утворення Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія», , Одеса, pp. 38-41
  8. Insanity in German criminal law Contribution
    Rauxloh, Regina (2022)
    In: Brookbanks, Warren; Mackay, Ronnie (Eds.), The insanity defence. International and comparative perspectives, Oxford University Press, Oxford, (Oxford monographs on criminal law and justice, ), pp. 247-273
  9. Plural policing in Germany - Heterogeneity and the contingency of its making Contribution
    John, Tobias (2022)
    In: Garand, Jacqueline; Hirschmann, Nathalie; John, Tobias; Reichl, Frauke (Eds.), Plural policing in the global north. Insights into concepts, aspects and practices, Springer, Cham, pp. 51-69
  10. Negotiating the territories of anti-trafficking efforts. The “unlikely cooperation” between police officers and social workers in Germany Contribution
    Leser, Julia ; Dölemeyer, Anne (2022)
    In: Darley, Mathilde (Eds.), Trafficking and sex work. Gender, race and public order, Routledge, London, pp. 68-83
  11. Plural policing of immigrant neighbourhoods in Germany: An understanding of the concept and resulting recommendations for action Contribution
    Frevel, Bernhard ; Pehle, Sigrid (2022)
    In: Garand, Jacqueline; Hirschmann, Nathalie; John, Tobias; Reichl, Frauke (Eds.), Plural policing in the global north. Insights into concepts, aspects and practices, Springer, Cham, pp. 73-85
  12. Volunteer police services in Germany: Two case studies on goals and underlying forms of legitimacy Contribution
    Reichl, Frauke (2022)
    In: Garand, Jacqueline; Hirschmann, Nathalie; John, Tobias; Reichl, Frauke (Eds.), Plural policing in the global north. Insights into concepts, aspects and practices, Springer, Cham, pp. 111-135
  13. On extreme forms of violence against women in Europe: Does femi(ni)cide exist in Germany? Contribution
    Luján Pinelo, Aleida (2022)
    In: Davinić, Marko; Kostić, Svetislav (Eds.), Gender competent public law and policies, Springer International Publishing, Cham, (Gender Perspectives in Law, ), pp. 109-129
  14. The principle of legality in the criminal law of Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany (on the example of certain norms on economic criminal offenses) Journal Article
    Berzin, Pawlo ; Volynets, Ruslan ; Berzina, Anzhela (2022)
    In: European Cooperation, 53(1), pp. 43-53
  15. The offences of slavery, servitude, forced labour and labour exploitation: A comparative study (Part II) Journal Article
    Cucinotta, Carlo (2022)
    In: European Criminal Law Review, 12(3), pp. 286-313