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  1. Criminal liability of deepfake pornography under Turkish and German criminal law Journal Article
    Eisele, Jörg; Duman, Irmak (2025)
    In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft, 4(1), pp. 69-82
    Open Access
  2. Policing child sexual exploitation and abuse cases: a qualitative PRIORITY study of the challenges faced by law enforcement officers in Germany, Portugal, and Sweden Journal Article
    Tselenti, Danai; Carvalho, Joana; Azevedo, Vanessa; Gomes, Hugo Santos; Haubrock, Lina Sophie; Hillert, Jana; Rahm, Christoffer; Briken, Peer; Dekker, Arne; Joleby, Malin; Seto, Michael Chikong (2025)
    In: Policing and Society, pp. 1-18
  3. A procedural oddity in the investigation stage in Turkish and German practise: Preliminary interview with the suspect Journal Article
    Kahraman, Recep (2024)
    In: İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası / Istanbul Law Review, 82(4), pp. 1343-1377
  4. Conceptualizing and measuring “punitiveness” in contemporary advanced democracies Journal Article
    Pfeffer, Elizabeth Gordon (2024)
    In: Regulation & Governance, 18(2), pp. 573-589
  5. Money for justice : Comparing day fines in Germany and Maricopa County, Arizona Journal Article
    Rysenbry, Elliot (2024)
    In: Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law, 40(3), pp. 554-583
    Open Access
  6. Models of criminal liability of a plurality of perpetrators under Polish and German criminal law: Comparative approach Journal Article
    Miśkiewicz, Aleksandra; Vadokas, Alexander (2024)
    In: Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul, pp. 271-305
  7. The insignificance principle between Germany and Brazil: A cautionary tale on legal imports Journal Article
    Castro, Alexander (2024)
    In: Criminal Law Forum, 35(2), pp. 123-152
  8. Comparison of the provisions of the Austrian and German criminal procedure laws on victims with the Hungarian legislation Journal Article
    Somogyi, Csilla (2024)
    In: Essays of Faculty of Law University of Pécs, pp. 193-202
  9. The price of freedom: Criminalization and the management of outsiders in Germany and the United States Book
    Soyer, Michaela (2024)
    ISBN 9780520394254, University of California Press, Oakland
  10. Restorative justice interventions in Dutch, German and English law Contribution
    Claessen, Jacques (2024)
    In: Klip, André; Peristeridou, Christina (Eds.), Comparative perspectives of criminal procedure, Intersentia, Cambridge, pp. 219-229
  11. Legal protection of revenge and deepfake porn victims in the European Union: Findings from a comparative legal study Journal Article
    Mania, Karolina (2024)
    In: Trauma, violence & abuse, 25(1), pp. 117-129
  12. The devil’s in the details: How countries’ defamation laws can (and can’t) combat hate speech Journal Article
    Carlson, Caitlin Ring; Terry, Christopher (2024)
    In: Journalism Practice, 18(2), pp. 242-264
  13. Differences in United States and German police organizations with an impact on the policing of public assemblies Contribution
    Bürger, Bernd; Thielmann, Gerd; Hanson, Alan; Dobson, Craig (2023)
    In: Bürger, Bernd; Herold, Tamara; Lee, Ryan (Eds.), Public order policing. A professional's guide to international theories, case studies, and best practices, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 149-167
  14. Artificial intelligence and sentencing from a human rights perspective Contribution
    Kaspar, Johannes; Harrendorf, Stefan; Butz, Felix; Höffler, Katrin; Sommerer, Lucia; Christoph, Stephan (2023)
    In: Simoncic, Katja; Zavrsnik, Ales (Eds.), Artificial intelligence, social harms and human rights, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, (Critical Criminological Perspectives, ), pp. 3-34