
Reference type filter

  1. Shifting paradigm of terrorism Contribution
    Maniszewska, Katarzyna (2024)
    In: Maniszewska, Katarzyna (Eds.), Towards a new definition of terrorism. Challenges and perspectives in a shifting paradigm, Springer, Cham, (Contributions to Security and Defence Studies, ), pp. 39-64
  2. Legal and criminological perspectives on hate crime and hate crime control in Germany Contribution
    Kilchling, Michael (2024)
    In: Anderez Belategi, Mikel; Garro Carrera, Enara; Gordon Benito, Iñigo; Landa Gorostiza, Jon-Mirena (Eds.), Hate crimes in comparative legal perspective, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 78-101
  3. The devil’s in the details: How countries’ defamation laws can (and can’t) combat hate speech Journal Article
    Carlson, Caitlin Ring; Terry, Christopher (2024)
    In: Journalism Practice, 18(2), pp. 242-264
  4. Strategies for resilience: results from a German pilot project to prevent far-right radicalisation within the police Journal Article
    Koehler, Daniel; Filipps, Julia (2023)
    In: Policing and Society, pp. 1-15
  5. Legal measures against hate speech and hate crime Contribution
    Valerius, Brian (2023)
    In: Hilgendorf, Eric (Eds.), Law in times of crisis. Festschrift for Yoram Danziger, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Schriften zum Strafrechtsvergleich, 20), pp. 335-350
  6. Siren calls of anti-government extremism: Far-right influences on the German anti-vax (‘Querdenken’) protest milieu through music Journal Article
    Koehler, Daniel (2023)
    In: Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, pp. 1-22
  7. Developmental and biographical issues in radicalization pathways: A comparative case analysis of homegrown German convicts of Islamist terrorism-related offenses Journal Article
    Moeller, Mika Josephine; Scheithauer, Herbert (2022)
    In: Terrorism and Political Violence, 36(2), pp. 214-233
  8. The COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Prevention measures, protest and the impact on crime rates Contribution
    Habermann, Julia; Zech, Louisa (2022)
    In: Becucci, Stefano; Dobryninas, Aleksandras; Siegel, Dina (Eds.), COVID-19, society and crime in Europe, Springer, Cham, (Studies Of Organized Crime, ), pp. 197-220
  9. Vigilante justice in Germany Contribution
    Stürmer, Franziska (2022)
    In: Robson, Peter; Spina, Ferdinando (Eds.), Vigilante justice in society and popular culture : A global perspective, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, (Law, culture, and the humanities series, ), pp. 135-155
  10. Risk assessment - The key to more security? Factors, tools, and practices in dealing with extremist individuals Journal Article
    Höffler, Katrin; Meyer, Miriam; Möller, Veronika (2022)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 28(2), pp. 269-295
  11. More than a glance: Investigating the differential efficacy of radicalizing graphical cues with right-wing messages Journal Article
    Tomczyk, Samuel; Pielmann, Diana; Schmidt, Silke (2022)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 28(2), pp. 245-267
  12. Linguistic radicalisation of right-wing and Salafi jihadist groups in social media: A corpus-driven lexicometric analysis Journal Article
    Müller, Pia; Harrendorf, Stefan; Mischler, Antonia (2022)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 28(2), pp. 203-244
  13. Radicalization in adolescence: The identification of vulnerable groups Journal Article
    Schröder, Carl Philipp; Bruns, Jannik; Lehmann, Lena; Goede, Laura-Romina; Bliesener, Thomas; Tomczyk, Samuel (2022)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 28(2), pp. 177-201
  14. A biographical perspective on processes of radicalisation Journal Article
    Meier, Jana; Bögelein, Nicole; Neubacher, Frank (2022)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 28(2), pp. 155-176