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  • 4 of 1237 Publications

  1. The German penal catalogue for fan misbehaviour in football: a model for other countries? Journal Article
    Winskowski, Philipp (2022)
    In: International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 14(1), pp. 71-91
  2. Ethical decisions between the conflicting priorities of legality and group loyalty: scrutinizing the “Code of Silence” among volunteer firefighters with a vignette-based factorial survey Journal Article
    Kleinewiese, Julia; Graeff, Peter (2021)
    In: Deviant Behavior, 42(10), pp. 1228-1241
  3. The German criminal law on sports corruption Contribution
    Duvinage, Cedric (2012)
    In: Duvinage, Cedric (Eds.), Referees in sports contests. Their economic role and the problem of corruption in professional German sports leagues, Gabler, Wiesbaden, (Gabler Research Management, Organisation und ökonomische Analyse, 14), pp. 55-71

  • 4 of 1237 Publications