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  1. “Killing all infidels”: Leaking prior to islamist terrorist attacks in Germany Journal Article
    Tampe, Laura; Bondü, Rebecca (2024)
    In: Terrorism and Political Violence, pp. 1-16
  2. Strategies for resilience: results from a German pilot project to prevent far-right radicalisation within the police Journal Article
    Koehler, Daniel; Filipps, Julia (2023)
    In: Policing and Society, pp. 1-15
  3. Plural policing of immigrant neighbourhoods in Germany: An understanding of the concept and resulting recommendations for action Contribution
    Frevel, Bernhard; Pehle, Sigrid (2022)
    In: Garand, Jacqueline; Hirschmann, Nathalie; John, Tobias; Reichl, Frauke (Eds.), Plural policing in the global north. Insights into concepts, aspects and practices, Springer, Cham, pp. 73-85
  4. Volunteer police services in Germany: Two case studies on goals and underlying forms of legitimacy Contribution
    Reichl, Frauke (2022)
    In: Garand, Jacqueline; Hirschmann, Nathalie; John, Tobias; Reichl, Frauke (Eds.), Plural policing in the global north. Insights into concepts, aspects and practices, Springer, Cham, pp. 111-135
  5. Narrative construction of power and knowledge in the police: Suspicion and defining the deviant Contribution
    Dangelmaier, Tamara (2022)
    In: Porsché, Yannik; Scholz, Ronny; Singh, Jaspal (Eds.), Institutionality. Studies of discursive and material (re-)ordering, Springer, Cham, (Springer eBook Collection, ), pp. 429-448
  6. Police stops in Germany – Between legal rules and informal practices Journal Article
    Aden, Hartmut; Bosch, Alexander; Fährmann, Jan; Thurn, Roman (2022)
    In: Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 11(2), pp. 116-131
  7. On reaching a crime scene ahead of the criminal: Dreams of police and technology from the 1970s to today Journal Article
    Sow, Amadou Korbinian (2022)
    In: German Law Journal, 23(4), pp. 597-624
  8. Typology of murder-suicides in Berlin according to a longitudinal study based on autopsy files Journal Article
    Zimmermann, Milan; Tsokos, Michael (2021)
    In: Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, 17(2), pp. 247-253
  9. Preventive justice and the dangerous offender: seeking solutions to protect society Contribution
    Watney, Murdoch (2020)
    In: Hugo, Charl; Möllers, Thomas (Eds.), Legal certainty and fundamental rights. A cross-disciplinary approach to constitutional principles in German and South African law, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Augsburger Rechtsstudien, 89), pp. 189-220
  10. Criminal recidivism after imprisonment among sex offenders and violent offenders: a comparison between self-reported and officially recorded reoffending behavior Journal Article
    Wössner, Gunda; Hefner, Franziska (2020)
    In: Criminology - The Online Journal, pp. 264-282
  11. The anti-money laundering architecture of Germany Contribution
    Vogel, Benjamin (2020)
    In: Maillart, Jean-Baptiste; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), National and international anti-money laundering law. Developing the architecture of criminal justice, regulation and data protection, Intersentia, Cambridge, Antwerp, Chicago
  12. Intelligence and crime control in the security law of Germany Contribution
    Arslan, Mehmet (2018)
    In: Dyson, Matthew; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), The limits of criminal law. Anglo-German concepts and principles, Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 507-537
  13. Countering terrorism at the limits of criminal liability in Germany Contribution
    Engelhart, Marc (2018)
    In: Dyson, Matthew; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), The limits of criminal law. Anglo-German concepts and principles, Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 435-465
  14. Reflections on criminal law in England and Germany Contribution
    Dyson, Matthew; Vogel, Benjamin (2018)
    In: Dyson, Matthew; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), The limits of criminal law. Anglo-German concepts and principles, Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 551-576