
Reference type filter

  1. Private parties' contribution to the detection and investigation of crime under German law Contribution
    Vogel, Benjamin (2024)
    In: Kosta, Eleni; Lassalle, Maxime; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), Law of public-private cooperation against financial crime: developing information-sharing on money laundering and terrorism financing, Intersentia, Cambridge, pp. 191-244
  2. The nexus of women and ‘Clan Crime’: unravelling the dynamics and constraints Journal Article
    Jaraba, Mahmoud (2024)
    In: Trends in organized crime
  3. Financial crimes in the real estate sector in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland Journal Article
    Teichmann, Fabian Maximilian Johannes (2023)
    In: Journal of Money Laundering Control, 26(2), pp. 418-432
  4. Comparative case study on economic and financial crime in Germany and Romania Contribution
    Clement, Sandra; Achim, Monica Violeta (2023)
    In: Achim, Monica (Eds.), Economic and financial crime, sustainability and good governance, Springer, Cham, (Contributions to Finance and Accounting, ), pp. 3-30
  5. An expectation-performance gap between money laundering reporting officers and their directors – evidence from Germany Journal Article
    Haffke, Lars (2022)
    In: Journal of Money Laundering Control, 25(3), pp. 567-593
  6. Anti-money laundering regimes: a comparison between Germany, Switzerland and the UK with a focus on the crypto business Journal Article
    Wronka, Christoph (2022)
    In: Journal of Money Laundering Control, 25(3), pp. 656-670
  7. The abuse of hawala banking for terrorist financing in German-speaking countries Journal Article
    Teichmann, Fabian Maximilian Johannes; Wittmann, Chiara (2022)
    In: Journal of Money Laundering Control, pp. 1-11
  8. Specific features of German legislation regulating anti-terrorist financing Unpublished Work
    Shestak, Viktor; Shaynurova, Dariya (2021)

  9. Twenty-five years of legislation and law enforcement against money laundering in Germany: facts and opinions Contribution
    Hartmann, Arthur (2020)
    In: Antonopoulos, Georgios; Harvey, Jackie; Lampe, Klaus; Siegel, Dina; van Duyne, Petrus (Eds.), Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 325-352
  10. The anti-money laundering architecture of Germany Contribution
    Vogel, Benjamin (2020)
    In: Maillart, Jean-Baptiste; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), National and international anti-money laundering law. Developing the architecture of criminal justice, regulation and data protection, Intersentia, Cambridge, Antwerp, Chicago
  11. The doctrinal legal debate on article 261 of the German criminal code Contribution
    Zoppei, Verena (2017)
    In: Zoppei, Verena (Eds.), Anti-money laundering law. Socio-legal perspectives on the effectiveness of German practices, Springer, Berlin, (International Criminal Justice Series, volume 12), pp. 85-114
  12. Why self-money laundering must remain exempt from punishment Contribution
    Schröder, Christian; Bergmann, Marcus (2013)
    In: Bergmann, Marcus; Schröder, Christian (Eds.), Warum die Selbstgeldwäsche straffrei bleiben muss, Berliner Wiss.-Verl., Berlin, pp. 71-130
  13. Transnational organized crime. The German response Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2011)
    In: Okubo, Shiro; Shelley, Louise (Eds.), Human security, transnational crime and human trafficking. Asian and Western perspectives, Routledge, New York [u.a.], (Routledge transnational crime and corruption series, 6), pp. 59-80