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  1. Contextualising police stops in public debates: Policy turning-points in Germany Contribution
    Aden, Hartmut; Bosch, Alexander; Fährmann, Jan; Thurn, Roman (2023)
    In: Maillard, Jacques; Rowe, Michael; Verfaillie, Kristof (Eds.), The politicization of police stops in Europe. Public issues and police reform, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, (Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies, ), pp. 245-266
  2. The principle of legality of crimes in Colombia and Germany: Difference in similarity? Contribution
    Barco, Gustavo Emilio Cote (2023)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Martínez, José (Eds.), Göttingen Handbook on Latin American public law and criminal justice, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, pp. 325-348
  3. Of forging into swords on the dialectic of rights and the new liberal desire for criminal law Contribution
    Burchard, Christoph (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 37-59
  4. How to balance fundamental rights on the one hand with the duty of the state to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens on the other Contribution
    Graulich, Kurt (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 177-183
  5. Sentencing guidelines vs. free judicial discretion - is German sentencing law in need of reform? Contribution
    Kaspar, Johannes (2020)
    In: Ambos, Kai (Eds.), Strafzumessung / Sentencing. Angloamerikanische und deutsche Einblicke / Anglo-American and German insights, Göttingen University Press, Göttingen, (Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften/Göttingen studies in criminal law and criminal justice, Band/volume 38), pp. 337-352
    Open Access
  6. Open Access
  7. Human dignity, human rights and criminal procedure – The German perspective Contribution
    Schuster, Frank Peter (2018)
    In: Hilgendorf, Eric; Kremnitzer, Mordechai (Eds.), Human dignity and criminal law. Würzburg Conference on Human Dignity, Human Rights and Criminal Law in Israel and Germany, July 20-22, 2015, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Schriften zum Strafrechtsvergleich, Band 4), pp. 139-155
  8. Intelligence and crime control in the security law of Germany Contribution
    Arslan, Mehmet (2018)
    In: Dyson, Matthew; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), The limits of criminal law. Anglo-German concepts and principles, Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 507-537
  9. The core legal concepts and principles defining criminal law in Germany Contribution
    Vogel, Benjamin (2018)
    In: Dyson, Matthew; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), The limits of criminal law. Anglo-German concepts and principles, Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 39-69
  10. The constitutionality of § 89a of the German Criminal Code (StGB) and the concept of a serious act of violent subversion: the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), Judgement of 8 th May 2014 - 3 StR 243 / 13 Journal Article
    Ohnesorge, Christopher; Wilkes, Julia; Eichfelder, Marius; Rastegar, Jinnus; Derra, Matthias; Balmer, Julia (2017)
    In: German Law Journal, 18(3), pp. 631-646
  11. Criminal liability of political decision-makers in Germany Contribution
    Zimmermann, Frank (2017)
    In: Zimmermann, Frank (Eds.), Criminal liability of political decision-makers. A comparative perspective, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 91-118
  12. Guilt and choice in criminal law theory – a critical assessment Journal Article
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2016)
    In: Bergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice, 4(1), pp. 1-24
  13. The protection of state interests and the constitutional order in German criminal law Contribution
    Esser, Robert (2015)
    In: Glaser, Henning (Eds.), Norms, interests, and values. Conflict and consent in the basic constitutional order, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (CPG Series of Comparative Constitutional Law, Politics and Governance, ), pp. 55-74