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  • 9 of 1237 Publications

  1. Refusal of European arrest warrants due to fair trial infringements : review of the CJEU’s judgment in “LM” by national courts in Europe Journal Article
    Wahl, Thomas (2020)
    In: eucrim - The European Criminal Law Associations' Forum, pp. 321-330
  2. Conflict between the rights of victim of a crime and the rights of the accused under the German and Polish justice system in the context of the case-law of European courts Journal Article
    Kulesza, Cezary (2020)
    In: Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 29(4)
  3. The German public prosecutor as (no) judicial authority within the meaning of the European arrest warrant: a case note on the CJEU’s judgment in OG (C-508/18) and PI (C 82/19 PPU) Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2019)
    In: New Journal of European Criminal Law, 10(4), pp. 399-407
  4. Human dignity, human rights and criminal procedure – The German perspective Contribution
    Schuster, Frank Peter (2018)
    In: Hilgendorf, Eric; Kremnitzer, Mordechai (Eds.), Human dignity and criminal law. Würzburg Conference on Human Dignity, Human Rights and Criminal Law in Israel and Germany, July 20-22, 2015, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Schriften zum Strafrechtsvergleich, Band 4), pp. 139-155
  5. Res Judicata in criminal matters and the European courts – a comparison between Germany and Italy (Part I) Journal Article
    Schneider, Anne (2016)
    In: European Criminal Law Review, 6(1), pp. 7-38
  6. The German perspective Contribution
    Sinn, Arndt; Wörner, Liane (2008)
    In: Górski, Adam; Hofmanski, Piotr (Eds.), The European arrest warrant and its implementation in the member states of the European Union, Beck, Warszawa, pp. 28-34

  • 9 of 1237 Publications