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  • 8 of 1237 Publications

  1. Wirecard scandal. A commentary on the biggest accounting fraud in Germany’s post-war history Journal Article
    Teichmann, Fabian Maximilian Johannes; Boticiu, Sonia Ruxandra; Sergi, Bruno S. (2024)
    In: Journal of Financial Crime, 31(5), pp. 1166-1173
  2. An expectation-performance gap between money laundering reporting officers and their directors – evidence from Germany Journal Article
    Haffke, Lars (2022)
    In: Journal of Money Laundering Control, 25(3), pp. 567-593
  3. Anti-money laundering regimes: a comparison between Germany, Switzerland and the UK with a focus on the crypto business Journal Article
    Wronka, Christoph (2022)
    In: Journal of Money Laundering Control, 25(3), pp. 656-670
  4. The abuse of hawala banking for terrorist financing in German-speaking countries Journal Article
    Teichmann, Fabian Maximilian Johannes; Wittmann, Chiara (2022)
    In: Journal of Money Laundering Control, pp. 1-11
  5. Phishing in online banking –an overview of the development and the European and German legal positions Contribution
    Oleownik, Sonja (2022)
    In: Borges, Georg; Sorge, Christoph (Eds.), Law and technology in a global digital society, Springer, Cham, pp. 257-286
  6. Financial crisis and German criminal law: managers' responsibility for highly-speculative trading in obscure asset-backed securities based on American subprime mortgages Journal Article
    Krey, Volker; Stenger, Jan; Windgätter, Oliver; Roggenfelder, Thomas (2010)
    In: German Law Journal, 11(3), pp. 319-329
  7. Financial crisis and German criminal law: Responsibility of managers for highly-speculative trading with obscure asset-backed securities based on American subprime mortgages Journal Article
    Krey, Volker (2009)
    In: Rechtspolitisches Forum, pp. 1-24
    Open Access
  8. Parallel proceedings: A German perspective Journal Article
    Lipp, Volker (2000)
    In: European Business Law Review, 11(6), pp. 403-407

  • 8 of 1237 Publications