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  • 14 of 1237 Publications

  1. Exploring gender disparities in the prosecution of theft cases: Propensity score matching on data from German court files Journal Article
    Leuschner, Fredericke (2023)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 20(1), pp. 292-315
  2. Comparing sentencing for robbery with “Strafzumessung für Raub” Contribution
    Terblanche, Stephan S. (2021)
    In: Haverkamp, Rita; Kilchling, Michael; Kinzig, Jörg; Oberwittler, Dietrich; Wößner, Gunda (Eds.), Unterwegs in Kriminologie und Strafrecht – Exploring the World of Crime and Criminology. Festschrift für Hans-Jörg Albrecht zum 70. Geburtstag, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, pp. 669-688
  3. Abandoning dishonesty - a brief German comment on the state of the law after Ivey Journal Article
    Bohlander, Michael (2021)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, pp. 1-9
  4. A comparative analysis of the proposed new cybercrime legislation in South Africa and the situation in Germany and the European Union Contribution
    Villiers, Dawie (2017)
    In: Hugo, Charl; Möllers, Thomas (Eds.), Transnational impacts on law: perspectives from South Africa and Germany, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 335-370
  5. Germany Contribution
    Ambos, Kai; Bock, Stefanie (2016)
    In: Bohlander, Michael; Reed, Alan; Wake, Nicola (Eds.), Consent. Domestic and comparative perspectives, Routledge, New York [u.a.], (Substantive issues in criminal law, ), pp. 262-279
  6. Structural covariates of violent crime rates in Germany. Exploratory spatial analyses of Kreise Journal Article
    Messner, Steven F.; Teske, Raymond H.C.; Baller, Robert D.; Thome, Helmut (2013)
    In: Justice Quarterly, 30(6), pp. 1015-1041
  7. German cures for English ailments? Appropriation versus taking away-significance and consequences of conceptual differences between the English and the German law of theft Journal Article
    Weinrich, Nils (2005)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, 69(5), pp. 427-441

  • 14 of 1237 Publications