
Reference type filter
  • 15 of 1237 Publications

  1. Omissions Contribution
    Ambos, Kai (2020)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 17-53
  2. Germany Contribution
    Ambos, Kai; Bock, Stefanie (2019)
    In: Bohlander, Michael; Reed, Alan; Wake, Nicola (Eds.), Homicide in criminal law. A research companion, Routledge, London, (Substantive issues in criminal law, ), pp. 245-263
  3. Conflicting duties in criminal law Journal Article
    Coca-Vila, Ivó (2019)
    In: New Criminal Law Review, 22(1), pp. 34-72
  4. Justification or excuse? The collision of positive duties in German criminal law Journal Article
    Zimmermann, Till (2014)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, 78(3), pp. 263-276
  5. Causing grievous bodily harm: mens rea ; Intention Journal Article
    Bohlander, Michael (2006)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, 70(2), pp. 131-135
  6. Imposing criminal liability on government officials under environmental law. A legal and economic analysis Journal Article
    Faure, Michael G.; Koopmans, Ingeborg M.; Oudijk, Johannes C. (1996)
    In: Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal, 18(3), pp. 529-569
  7. The possibilities and limits of help in dying : a lawyer's view Contribution
    Eser, Albin (1995)
    In: Jens, Walter; Küng, Hans (Eds.), A dignified dying. A plea for personal responsibility, SCM Press, London, pp. 74-93
  8. Criminal omissions: Some perspectives Journal Article
    Fletcher, George P. (1976)
    In: American Journal of Comparative Law, 24(4), pp. 703-717

  • 15 of 1237 Publications