
Reference type filter
  • 9 of 1237 Publications

  1. ‘Show/trials’: The performative aspect of the late prosecution of Nazi crimes Contribution
    Arnold, Stefan; Wilhelms, Kerstin (2024)
    In: Vormbaum, Moritz (Eds.), The last Nazi trials, Springer, Berlin, pp. 173-191
  2. Atrocity then, trial now: The aesthetics, acoustics, and visualities of prosecuting Oskar Gröning Contribution
    Fournet, Caroline; Drumbl, Mark (2024)
    In: Vormbaum, Moritz (Eds.), The last Nazi trials, Springer, Berlin, pp. 153-171
  3. Reflections on the late prosecution of Nazi crimes by a counsel for co-plaintiffs Contribution
    Rückel, Christoph (2024)
    In: Vormbaum, Moritz (Eds.), The last Nazi trials, Springer, Berlin, pp. 71-87

  • 9 of 1237 Publications