
Reference type filter

  1. Criminal police and criminal law in the Rechtsstaat Contribution
    Dubber, Markus D. (2008)
    In: Dubber, Markus; Valverde, Mariana (Eds.), Police and the liberal state, Stanford University Press, Stanford, pp. 92-109
  2. Adolescent substance use in Germany and the United States Journal Article
    Link, Tanja C. (2008)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 5(4), pp. 453-480
  3. Societas delinquere non potest? A German perspective Journal Article
    Weigend, Thomas (2008)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 6(5), pp. 927-946
  4. The German perspective Contribution
    Sinn, Arndt; Wörner, Liane (2008)
    In: Górski, Adam; Hofmanski, Piotr (Eds.), The European arrest warrant and its implementation in the member states of the European Union, Beck, Warszawa, pp. 28-34
  5. The "adversarial" procedure: A model superior to other trial systems in international criminal justice? : Reflexions of a judge Contribution
    Eser, Albin (2008)
    In: Kruessmann, Thomas (Eds.), ICTY towards a fair trial?, NWV, Wien, (Recht. Symposium, ), pp. 206-227
  6. The decay of the inquisitorial ideal. Plea bargaining invades German criminal procedure Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2008)
    In: Jackson, John (Eds.), Crime, procedure and evidence in a comparative and international context. Essays in honour of Professor Mirjan Damaška, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 39-64
  7. The German Criminal Code. A modern english translation Book
    Bohlander, Michael (2008)
    Vol. 1, ISBN 9781841138312, Hart Publishing, Oxford
  8. The German legal system and legal language // The German Legal System and Legal Language. A general survey together with notes and German vocabulary Book
    Fisher, Howard D. (2008)
    ISBN 9780415468565, Routledge-Cavendish, London
  9. Plea bargaining; defence rights. German Federal Court of Appeal [Ordinary Jurisdiction] (Bundesgerichtshof-BGH). Decision of 14 August 2007, Case No. 3 StR 266/07 Journal Article
    Gaede, Karsten (2008)
    In: Journal of Criminal Law, 72(2), pp. 109-112
  10. Implementing the prohibition of torture on three levels. The United Nations, the Council of Europe, and Germany Journal Article
    Herrmann, Joachim (2008)
    In: Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 31(1), pp. 437-459