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  1. How institutional contexts shape police-adolescent encounters. A study of France and Germany Journal Article
    Oberwittler, Dietrich; Roché, Sebastian (2022)
    In: Policing and Society, 32(3), pp. 378-410
  2. Terrorist offenses and juveniles – A comparison between Germany and Turkey Journal Article
    Balo, Yusuf Solmaz; Butz, Felix (2022)
    In: European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 9(1), pp. 7-55
  3. Unintended consequences of drug policies experienced by young drug users in contact with the criminal justice systems Journal Article
    Moskalewicz, Jacek; Dąbrowska, Katarzyna; Herold, Maria Dich; Baccaria, Franca; Rolando, Sara; Herring, Rachel; Thom, Betsy; Kahlert, Rahel; Stummvoll, Günter; Moazen, Babak; Stöver, Heino; Pisarska, Agnieszka (2021)
    In: Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 28(1), pp. 36-47
  4. Trajectories of delinquency among young adult prisoners Journal Article
    Taefi, Anabel; Hosser, Daniela (2021)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 18(6), pp. 855-874
  5. Pathways to radicalization in adolescence: The development of ideological beliefs, acceptance of violence, and extremist behavior Journal Article
    Bliesener, Thomas; Schröder, Carl Philipp; Lehmann, Lena (2021)
    In: Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 104(3), pp. 231-242
  6. “I wanna be somebody by the time I turn 25”: narratives of pathways into crime and reentry expectations among young men in Germany and the United States Contribution
    Soyer, Michaela; Selzer, Janina L. (2021)
    In: Abrams, Laura; Cox, Alexandra (Eds.), The Palgrave international handbook of youth imprisonment, Springer, Cham, pp. 165-182
  7. Constructions of deviance by Japanese and German youth: a criminological comparison as a ‘bottom-up’ project // Constructions of Deviance by Japanese and German Youth: A Criminological Comparison as a ‘Bottom-Up’ Project Journal Article
    Dollinger, Bernd; Osawa, Stephanie; Schirmer, Sarah (2021)
    In: Youth Justice, pp. 1-16
  8. Same, same but different: A comparative study of the Swedish and German support systems for young victims of crime Journal Article
    Thunberg, Sara; Willems, Diana; Schmoll, Annemarie; Yngborn, Annalena (2020)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 19(5), pp. 1148-1164
  9. The 'rocker' phenomenon in Germany: perceptions and government responses to outlaw bikers in historical perspective Contribution
    Heitmüller, Ulrike; Lampe, Klaus (2020)
    In: Antonopoulos, Georgios; Harvey, Jackie; Lampe, Klaus; Siegel, Dina; van Duyne, Petrus (Eds.), Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 477-503
  10. Murderers or thieves at risk? Offence-related suicide rates in adolescent and adult prison populations Journal Article
    Radeloff, Daniel; Stoeber, Franziska; Lempp, Thomas; Kettner, Mattias; Bennefeld-Kersten, Katharina (2019)
    In: PloS one, 14(4), pp. 1-11
  11. Caught in the middle? Young offenders in the Swedish and German juvenile criminal justice systems Book
    Persson, Mareike (2017)
    ISBN 9789177532835, Lund University, Faculty of Law, Lund
  12. Violence in youth custody: Risk factors of violent misconduct among inmates of German young offender institutions Journal Article
    Klatt, Thimna; Hagl, Stephan; Bergmann, Marie C.; Baier, Dirk (2016)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 13(6), pp. 727-743
  13. ‘I’d like to see your identity cards please’ – negotiating authority in police–adolescent encounters: Findings from a mixed-method study of proactive police practices towards adolescents in two German cities Journal Article
    Hunold, Daniela; Oberwittler, Dietrich; Lukas, Tim (2016)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 13(5), pp. 590-609