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  1. Compensation for wrongful convictions in Germany Contribution
    Albrecht, Anna Helena (2023)
    In: Jasiński, Wojciech; Kremens, Karolina (Eds.), Compensation for wrongful convictions, Routledge, London, pp. 25-51
  2. Cooperation agreements in Germany and the United States Contribution
    Ambos, Kai; Thaman, Stephen C. (2022)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 300-346
  3. Arrest and coercion Contribution
    Vogler, Richard; Brodowski, Dominik (2022)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 219-259
  4. Administrative sanctions: two contradictions Contribution
    Zedner, Lucia; Ashworth, Andrew (2021)
    In: Engelhart, Marc; Kudlich, Hans; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention : Festschrift für Ulrich Sieber zum 70. Geburtstag. Teilband 2, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, pp. 1435-1444
  5. Refusal of European arrest warrants due to fair trial infringements : review of the CJEU’s judgment in “LM” by national courts in Europe Journal Article
    Wahl, Thomas (2020)
    In: eucrim - The European Criminal Law Associations' Forum, pp. 321-330
  6. Report on the comparative conference on criminal procedure at Bielefeld University, interrogation, confession, and truth, 21 – 22 May 2019 Contribution
    Westermann, Alexandra; Newerla, Matthias (2020)
    In: Eidam, Lutz; Lindemann, Michael; Ransiek, Andreas (Eds.), Interrogation, confession, and truth. Comparative studies in criminal procedure, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, Band 43), pp. 209-214
  7. Self-incrimination privilege and interrogation. A German and comparative view Contribution
    Ransiek, Andreas (2020)
    In: Eidam, Lutz; Lindemann, Michael; Ransiek, Andreas (Eds.), Interrogation, confession, and truth. Comparative studies in criminal procedure, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, Band 43), pp. 151-182
  8. AI in the courtroom: a comparative analysis of machine evidence in criminal trials Journal Article
    Gless, Sabine (2020)
    In: Georgetown Journal of International Law, 51(2), pp. 195-254
  9. The potential to secure a fair trial through evidence exclusion. A German perspective Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2019)
    In: Gless, Sabine; Richter, Thomas (Eds.), Do exclusionary rules ensure a fair trial? A comparative perspective on evidentiary rules, Springer, Cham, (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, volume 74), pp. 61-92
  10. Entrapment & evidence - the impact of the ECtHR’s judgment in the case of Furcht v. Germany on the jurisprudence of the German Federal Court of Justice Journal Article
    Schmitt-Leonardy, Charlotte (2017)
    In: European Criminal Law Review, 7(3), pp. 304-320
  11. German report on prosecuting corporations for violations of international criminal law Contribution
    Böse, Martin (2017)
    In: Emdin, Sylwia; Gless, Sabine (Eds.), Prosecuting corporations for violations of International Criminal Law. Jurisdictional issues, Maklu, Antwerpen, pp. 211-233