
Reference type filter

  1. Addressing the paradox of tolerance in liberal democracies: why do France and Germany respond differently to right-wing radicalism? Journal Article
    Laumond, Bénédicte (2022)
    In: Journal of Contemporary European Studies, pp. 1-18
  2. Terrorism – prisons and risk management Journal Article
    Meyer, Miriam (2021)
    In: European Criminal Law Review, 11(1), pp. 88-111
  3. Far right in Germany Journal Article
    Suhajda, Attila (2021)
    In: Košická bezpečnostná revue, 11(2), pp. 99-112
    Open Access
  4. Radical men and sympathizing women? Gendered constructions of agency in charges of terrorism in Germany Journal Article
    Eppert, Kerstin; Roth, Viktoria (2021)
    In: New Journal of European Criminal Law, 12(4), pp. 552-574
  5. Who can talk about abortion? Information, offence, freedom of speech, and the advertising ban in Germany Journal Article
    Ulbricht, Alexej (2021)
    In: Politics, pp. 1-14
  6. Psychological differences between radicalized and non-radicalized Muslim prisoners: A qualitative analysis of their frame alignment Journal Article
    Stemmler, Mark; Endres, Johann; King, Sonja; Ritter, Bianca; Becker, Kristina (2021)
    In: Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 104(3), pp. 283-297
  7. Radicalization potentials of young Muslims in prison: What role do religious factors play? Journal Article
    King, Sonja; Endres, Johann; Stemmler, Mark (2021)
    In: Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 104(3), pp. 259-270
  8. Left-wing extremist violence: Risk and protective factors in a targeted sample of potential extremists Journal Article
    Jugl, Irina; Bender, Doris; Lösel, Friedrich (2021)
    In: Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 104(3), pp. 243-258
  9. Pathways to radicalization in adolescence: The development of ideological beliefs, acceptance of violence, and extremist behavior Journal Article
    Bliesener, Thomas; Schröder, Carl Philipp; Lehmann, Lena (2021)
    In: Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 104(3), pp. 231-242
  10. Immigration influx as a trigger for right-wing crime: a temporal analysis of hate crimes in Germany in the light of the ‘refugee crisis’ Journal Article
    Piatkowska, Sylwia J.; Hövermann, Andreas; Yang, Tse-Chuan (2020)
    In: The British Journal of Criminology, 60(3), pp. 620-641
  11. National Socialist criminal law. Continuity and radicalization Book
    Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony (2019)
    ISBN 9783845299259, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden
  12. Recent trends in German right-wing violence and terrorism: what are the contextual factors behind ‘hive terrorism’? Journal Article
    Koehler, Daniel (2018)
    In: Perspectives on Terrorism, 12(6), pp. 72-88
  13. Undesirable posters and dubious symbols. Anglo-German legal solutions to the display of right-wing symbolism and propaganda Journal Article
    Newman, Christopher J.; Rackow, Peter (2011)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, 75(2), pp. 142-155