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  1. The implementation of EU enforcement duties in Germany. The gathering, sharing, and use of evidence by German administrative and judicial authorities from domestic and cross-border perspective Contribution
    Vries, Aart (2024)
    In: (Eds.), Evidence and transnational punitive enforcement proceedings in the European Union. The gathering, sharing, and use of evidence by member states' administrative and judicial authorities during transnational punitive enforcement proceedings in the EU's integrated internal market and area of freedom, security and justice, Eleven, The Hague, the Netherlands, (Pompe reeks, ), pp. 275-413
  2. Enhancing the right of access to a lawyer for detained suspects and accused persons via videoconferencing : The situation in Germany and proposals for improvement Journal Article
    Nakane, Tomohiro (2024)
    In: Eucrim – European Law Forum: Prevention • Investigation • Prosecution, pp. 230-237
  3. Germany: Between laissez-faire and literal regulation – the German approach to the implementation of the directives on defence rights Contribution
    Albrecht, Anna H.; Schneider, Anne (2022)
    In: Caianiello, Michele; Contissa, Giuseppe; Lasagni, Giulia; Sartor, Giovanni (Eds.), Effective protection of the rights of the accused in the EU directives. A computable approach to criminal procedure law, Brill Nijhoff, Leiden, pp. 114-132
  4. Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in Germany Contribution
    Haverkamp, Rita; Galli, Thomas (2021)
    In: Krabbe, Maartje; van Kempen, P. (Eds.), Mental health and criminal justice. International and domestic perspectives on defendants and detainees with mental illness, Eleven, The Hague, pp. 227-250
  5. Better to explain or to testify? The position of the accused as a source of oral evidence in a criminal trial in a comparative perspective Journal Article
    Kuczyńska, Hanna (2021)
    In: Comparative Law Review, pp. 47-77
  6. Radical men and sympathizing women? Gendered constructions of agency in charges of terrorism in Germany Journal Article
    Eppert, Kerstin; Roth, Viktoria (2021)
    In: New Journal of European Criminal Law, 12(4), pp. 552-574
  7. The handling of digital evidence in Germany Contribution
    Gless, Sabine; Wahl, Thomas (2021)
    In: Caianiello, Michele; Camon, Alberto (Eds.), Digital forensic evidence. Towards common European standards in antifraud administrative and criminal investigations, Wolters Kluwer, Milano, (Collezione di giustizia penale, 7), pp. 49-86
  8. Evidence gathering in the European Union: The transposition of directive 2014/41/EU into French and German legislation Journal Article
    Knytel, Dagna (2020)
    In: European Criminal Law Review, 10(1), pp. 66-92
  9. European criminal procedure law in Germany: between traditions and innovation Contribution
    Wahl, Thomas; Oppers, Alexander (2020)
    In: Sellier, Elodie; Weyembergh, Anne (Eds.), Criminal procedures and cross-border cooperation in the EU area of criminal justice. Together but apart?, Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, (European studies, ), pp. 53-129
    Open Access
  10. Report on the comparative conference on criminal procedure at Bielefeld University, interrogation, confession, and truth, 21 – 22 May 2019 Contribution
    Westermann, Alexandra; Newerla, Matthias (2020)
    In: Eidam, Lutz; Lindemann, Michael; Ransiek, Andreas (Eds.), Interrogation, confession, and truth. Comparative studies in criminal procedure, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, Band 43), pp. 209-214
  11. Self-incrimination privilege and interrogation. A German and comparative view Contribution
    Ransiek, Andreas (2020)
    In: Eidam, Lutz; Lindemann, Michael; Ransiek, Andreas (Eds.), Interrogation, confession, and truth. Comparative studies in criminal procedure, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, Band 43), pp. 151-182
  12. Contemporary problems of the right to remain silent in Germany Contribution
    Eidam, Lutz (2020)
    In: Eidam, Lutz; Lindemann, Michael; Ransiek, Andreas (Eds.), Interrogation, confession, and truth. Comparative studies in criminal procedure, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, Band 43), pp. 49-60
  13. The suspect as a source of information Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2020)
    In: Eidam, Lutz; Lindemann, Michael; Ransiek, Andreas (Eds.), Interrogation, confession, and truth. Comparative studies in criminal procedure, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, Band 43), pp. 11-28
  14. Conflict between the rights of victim of a crime and the rights of the accused under the German and Polish justice system in the context of the case-law of European courts Journal Article
    Kulesza, Cezary (2020)
    In: Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 29(4)