
Reference type filter

  1. The nexus of women and ‘Clan Crime’: unravelling the dynamics and constraints Journal Article
    Jaraba, Mahmoud (2024)
    In: Trends in organized crime
  2. Same but different? A qualitative analysis of the influence of COVID-19 on law enforcement and organized crime in Germany Journal Article
    Schreier, Sarah; Leimbach, Katharina (2023)
    In: Trends in organized crime, 26(2), pp. 180-201
  3. “Clan crime” in Germany: Migration politics, socio-economic conditions, and intergenerational transmission of criminal behavior Contribution
    Jaraba, Mahmoud (2023)
    In: Nelen, Hans; Siegel, Dina (Eds.), Organized crime in the 21st century. Motivations, opportunities, and constraints, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 85-101
  4. Negotiating the territories of anti-trafficking efforts. The “unlikely cooperation” between police officers and social workers in Germany Contribution
    Leser, Julia; Dölemeyer, Anne (2022)
    In: Darley, Mathilde (Eds.), Trafficking and sex work. Gender, race and public order, Routledge, London, pp. 68-83
  5. Police investigations in “loverboy” cases. The modus operandi of “loverboys” – challenges of law enforcement in dealing with the offence of trafficking in human beings Journal Article
    Körner, Mascha (2022)
    In: Zeitschrift für Polizeiwissenschaft und polizeiliche Praxis, 19(5), pp. 77-91
    Open Access
  6. Human Trafficking - Germany Contribution
    Stamatel, Janet P. (2021)
    In: Stamatel, Janet P. (Eds.), Examining crime and justice around the world, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, (Global viewpoints, ), pp. 139-142
  7. Between taxes, criminal law and health care: the fight against illicit tobacco trade in Germany Contribution
    Engelhart, Marc (2021)
    In: Nowak, Celina (Eds.), Combatting illicit trade on the EU border, Springer, Cham, pp. 29-80
  8. The 'rocker' phenomenon in Germany: perceptions and government responses to outlaw bikers in historical perspective Contribution
    Heitmüller, Ulrike; Lampe, Klaus (2020)
    In: Antonopoulos, Georgios; Harvey, Jackie; Lampe, Klaus; Siegel, Dina; van Duyne, Petrus (Eds.), Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 477-503
  9. Twenty-five years of legislation and law enforcement against money laundering in Germany: facts and opinions Contribution
    Hartmann, Arthur (2020)
    In: Antonopoulos, Georgios; Harvey, Jackie; Lampe, Klaus; Siegel, Dina; van Duyne, Petrus (Eds.), Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 325-352
  10. The anti-money laundering architecture of Germany Contribution
    Vogel, Benjamin (2020)
    In: Maillart, Jean-Baptiste; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), National and international anti-money laundering law. Developing the architecture of criminal justice, regulation and data protection, Intersentia, Cambridge, Antwerp, Chicago
  11. The doctrinal legal debate on article 261 of the German criminal code Contribution
    Zoppei, Verena (2017)
    In: Zoppei, Verena (Eds.), Anti-money laundering law. Socio-legal perspectives on the effectiveness of German practices, Springer, Berlin, (International Criminal Justice Series, volume 12), pp. 85-114
  12. The concept and reality of ‘organised crime’ in Germany and the USA Contribution
    Lampe, Klaus (2012)
    In: Robertson-von Trotha, Caroline (Eds.), Organised crime, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 25-36
  13. Expanding criminal laws by predating criminal responsibility - punishing planning and organizing terrorist attacks as a means to optimize effectiveness of fighting against terrorism Journal Article
    Wörner, Liane (2012)
    In: German Law Journal, 13(9), pp. 1037-1055
  14. Art forgery and art fraud: forms of organised crime? Contribution
    Kinzig, Jörg (2011)
    In: Spapens, A. (Eds.), Universalis. Liber amicorum Cyrille Fijnaut, Intersentia, Antwerpen, pp. 679-689