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  1. Collateral consequences of criminal conviction in the United States and Germany Contribution
    Corda, Alessandro; Kaspar, Johannes (2022)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 392-437
  2. Feminism, science, and politics of infanticide in Wilhelmine Germany Journal Article
    Jackson, S. E. (2022)
    In: Monatshefte, 114(1), pp. 1-23
  3. Quasi-criminal enforcement mechanisms in Germany: Past and present Contribution
    Brodowski, Dominik (2022)
    In: Franssen, Vanessa; Harding, Christopher (Eds.), Criminal and quasi-criminal enforcement mechanisms in Europe. Origins, concept, future, Hart Publishing, Oxford, (Hart studies in European criminal law, 16), pp. 41-66
  4. On reaching a crime scene ahead of the criminal: Dreams of police and technology from the 1970s to today Journal Article
    Sow, Amadou Korbinian (2022)
    In: German Law Journal, 23(4), pp. 597-624
  5. Technological surveillance in the Federal Republic of Germany Contribution
    Shi, Jiahui (2022)
    In: Shi, Jiahui (Eds.), Technological surveillance of communication in American, German and Chinese criminal procedure, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Beiträge zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht - Studies in International and European Criminal Law and Procedure, 51), pp. 114-208
  6. Penal reform in Imperial Germany : Conflict and compromise Contribution
    Wetzell, Richard F. (2022)
    In: Pifferi, Michele (Eds.), The limits of criminological positivism. The movement for criminal law reform in the west, 1870-1940, Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 42-73
  7. Counteraction to offenses against sexual self-determination of minors in criminal law of Germany Contribution
    Manna, Ammar Abdul Karim; Gumel, Naguib Ali Seif El; Saifullina, Maria Ivanovna (2021)
    In: (Eds.), Proceedings of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Criminal Law and Operative Search Activities: Problems of Legislation, Science and Practice”, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, pp. 394-399
  8. “In the name of the people” Contribution
    Machura, Stefan; Rennig, Christoph (2021)
    In: Diamond, Shari; Hans, Valerie; Ivković, Sanja; Marder, Nancy (Eds.), Juries, lay judges, and mixed courts. A Global perspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 152-173
  9. Universal jurisdiction and international crimes in German courts – recent steps towards exercising the principle of complementarity after the entry into force of the Rome Statute Journal Article
    Safferling, Christoph J.M.; Petrossian, Gurgen (2021)
    In: European Criminal Law Review, 11(2), pp. 242-263
  10. Rechtswissenschaft revisited Contribution
    Jung, Heike (2021)
    In: Matsuzawa, Shin; Nuotio, Kimmo (Eds.), Methodology of criminal law theory: art, politics or science?, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 157-170
  11. The criminal registry in the German Empire: the ‘cult of previous convictions’ and the offender’s right to be forgotten // The Criminal Registry in the German Empire: The ‘Cult of Previous Convictions’ and the Offender’s Right to Be Forgotten Journal Article
    Groot, Timon (2021)
    In: German History, 39(3), pp. 358-376
  12. Preventive detention in Germany and Europe Contribution
    Drenkhahn, Kirstin; Morgenstern, Christine (2020)
    In: Felthous, Alan; Sass, Henning (Eds.), Diagnosis and treatment, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, (The Wiley international handbook on psychopathic disorders and the law, Volume I), pp. 87-106