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  • 6 of 1237 Publications

  1. Assessing the validity of open-source biographical data in terrorism research Journal Article
    Kanol, Eylem; Hirth, Maria-Anna (2024)
    In: Terrorism and Political Violence
  2. “The chain of dishonor”: Petitioning for rehabilitation in imperial Germany Contribution
    Groot, Timon (2023)
    In: Groot, Timon (Eds.), Citizens into dishonored felons. Felony disenfranchisement, honor, and rehabilitation in Germany, 1806-1933, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 28), pp. 125-152
    Open Access
  3. The implementation of sentences Contribution
    Höffler, Katrin; Padfield, Nicola (2022)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 349-391
  4. The criminal registry in the German Empire: the ‘cult of previous convictions’ and the offender’s right to be forgotten // The Criminal Registry in the German Empire: The ‘Cult of Previous Convictions’ and the Offender’s Right to Be Forgotten Journal Article
    Groot, Timon (2021)
    In: German History, 39(3), pp. 358-376
  5. The ‘stain of conviction’ – Penal theory, fundamental rights and criminal records in Germany Contribution
    Morgenstern, Christine (2019)
    In: Annison, Harry; Meijer, Sonja; O'Loughlin, Ailbhe (Eds.), Fundamental rights and legal consequences of criminal conviction, Hart Publishing, Oxford, (Oñati international series in law and society, ), pp. 65-80
  6. Judicial rehabilitation in Germany - The use of criminal records and the removal of recorded convictions Journal Article
    Morgenstern, Christine (2011)
    In: European Journal of Probation, 3(1), pp. 20-35

  • 6 of 1237 Publications