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  1. Between international solidarity and “no safe haven”: The German Völkerstrafgesetzbuch 20 years on Contribution
    Burghardt, Boris (2023)
    In: Crippa, Maria; Jessberger, Florian; Meloni, Chantal (Eds.), Domesticating international criminal law. Reflections on the Italian and German experiences, Routledge, Abingdon, (Directions and Developments in Criminal Justice and Law, ), pp. 90-101
  2. The law of Damals, the Verbrecherstaat and postwar German justice Contribution
    Douglas, Lawrence (2022)
    In: Burghardt, Boris; Jeßberger, Florian; Vormbaum, Moritz (Eds.), Strafrecht und Systemunrecht. Festschrift für Gerhard Werle zum 70. Geburtstag, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, pp. 569-579
  3. Making the “world spectacle trial“: Design as forensic practice at the Nuremberg Trials Journal Article
    Azuero-Quijano, Alejandra (2021)
    In: Grey Room, pp. 64-85
  4. Autonomy and the right to (end one’s?) life: a German perspective Contribution
    Momsen, Carsten; Schwarze, Mathis (2021)
    In: Forster, Charles; Herring, Jonathan; O'Neill, Clayton; Tingle, John (Eds.), Routledge handbook of global health rights, Routledge, London, pp. 332-347
  5. Desecration of corpses in relation to § 8(1) no. 9 German Code of Crimes against International Law (VStGB): the judgment of the German Federal Court of Justice ( Bundesgerichtshof ) of July 27, 2017–3 StR 57/17 Journal Article
    Bergmann, Vanessa; Blenk, Franziska; Cojger, Nathalie (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 276-287
  6. Germany Contribution
    Akinrinade, Babafemi (2021)
    In: Akinrinade, Babafemi (Eds.), Atrocity crimes, atrocity laws and justice in Africa, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 266-270
  7. Manipulation of medical patient data in organ transplantation as attempted homicide? Contribution
    Verrel, Torsten (2020)
    In: Dannecker, Gerhard; Pohlmann, Markus; Valarini, Elizangela (Eds.), Bribery, fraud, cheating. How to explain and to avoid organizational wrongdoing, Springer VS, Wiesbaden; Heidelberg, (Organization, management and crime - Organisation, Management und Kriminalität, ), pp. 207-215
  8. Cunning passages: Historiography's ways in and out of the Nuremberg courtroom Journal Article
    Priemel, Kim Christian (2020)
    In: Central European History, 53(4), pp. 785-810
  9. Refusal of European arrest warrants due to fair trial infringements : review of the CJEU’s judgment in “LM” by national courts in Europe Journal Article
    Wahl, Thomas (2020)
    In: eucrim - The European Criminal Law Associations' Forum, pp. 321-330
  10. The constitutionality of § 89a of the German Criminal Code (StGB) and the concept of a serious act of violent subversion: the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), Judgement of 8 th May 2014 - 3 StR 243 / 13 Journal Article
    Ohnesorge, Christopher; Wilkes, Julia; Eichfelder, Marius; Rastegar, Jinnus; Derra, Matthias; Balmer, Julia (2017)
    In: German Law Journal, 18(3), pp. 631-646
  11. Crime and literature in the Weimar Republic and beyond : telling the tale of the poisoners Ella Klein and Margarete Nebbe Contribution
    Herzog, Todd (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 226-244