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  1. Police law Contribution
    Pauer-Studer, Herlinde (2020)
    In: Pauer-Studer, Herlinde (Eds.), Justifying injustice. Legal theory in Nazi Germany, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 158-177
  2. The eradication of Nazi ideology and terminology from the current German Penal Code Journal Article
    Gordon, Roy H. (2016)
    In: Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion, 17(1), pp. 182-196
  3. Secularization, anti-minority sentiment, and cultural norms in the German circumcision controversy Journal Article
    Munzer, Stephen (2015)
    In: University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, 37(2), pp. 503-582
  4. Police science in Germany: its process of coming of age or a case of a split or good weather version? Contribution
    Sack, Fritz (2011)
    In: Spapens, A. (Eds.), Universalis. Liber amicorum Cyrille Fijnaut, Intersentia, Antwerpen, pp. 587-599
  5. Does age prevent punishment? The struggles of the German juridical system with alleged nazi criminals: commentary on the criminal proceedings against John Demjanjuk and Heinrich Boere Journal Article
    Beck, Susanne (2010)
    In: German Law Journal, 11(3), pp. 347-365
  6. The normalization of Nazi crime in postwar West German trials / Die Normalisierung von NS-Kriegsverbrechen in den Nachkriegs-Prozessen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Contribution
    Wittmann, Rebecca (2006)
    In: Reginbogin, Herbert; Safferling, Christoph (Eds.), The Nuremberg Trials: international criminal law since 1945 = Die Nürnberger Prozesse: Völkerstrafrecht seit 1945. 60th Anniversary International Conference / Internationale Konferenz zum 60. Jahrestag, De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 209-215
  7. I didn't know what Auschwitz was: The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial and the German press, 1963-1965 Journal Article
    Pendas, Devin O. (2000)
    In: Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities, 12(2), pp. 397-446
  8. German criminal justice and right-wing extremists: Is justice in Germany 'blind in the right eye'? Journal Article
    Prützel-Thomas, Monika (2000)
    In: Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 8(2), pp. 209-225
  9. In the name of the people: perpetrators of genocide in the reflection of their post-war prosecution in West Germany ; the 'Euthanasia' and 'Aktion Reinhard' trial cases. The `Euthanasia' and Aktion Reinhard Trial Cases Book
    De Mildt, Dick (1996)
    ISBN 9041101853, Brill, Leiden