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  1. Impact and consequences of sexual offences in the metaverse using the example of virtual rape Journal Article
    Steffes, Bianca; Zichler, Anna; Salemi, Simone; Schneider, Tim (2025)
    In: Deviant Behavior, pp. 1-16
  2. Criminal liability of deepfake pornography under Turkish and German criminal law Journal Article
    Eisele, Jörg; Duman, Irmak (2025)
    In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft, 4(1), pp. 69-82
    Open Access
  3. Policing child sexual exploitation and abuse cases: a qualitative PRIORITY study of the challenges faced by law enforcement officers in Germany, Portugal, and Sweden Journal Article
    Tselenti, Danai; Carvalho, Joana; Azevedo, Vanessa; Gomes, Hugo Santos; Haubrock, Lina Sophie; Hillert, Jana; Rahm, Christoffer; Briken, Peer; Dekker, Arne; Joleby, Malin; Seto, Michael Chikong (2025)
    In: Policing and Society, pp. 1-18
  4. The abuse of sexual images between liberal criminal law and the protection of sexual autonomy Contribution
    Schmidt, Anja (2024)
    In: Caletti, Gian; Summerer, Kolis (Eds.), Criminalizing intimate image abuse. A comparative perspective, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 103-120
  5. Consent: Making the difference between pleasure and crime Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2024)
    In: Caletti, Gian; Summerer, Kolis (Eds.), Criminalizing intimate image abuse. A comparative perspective, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 259-276
  6. Patterns of criminalization of intimate image abuse. Continental approaches and foundations Contribution
    Cancio Meliá, Manuel (2024)
    In: Caletti, Gian; Summerer, Kolis (Eds.), Criminalizing intimate image abuse. A comparative perspective, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 193-217
  7. The rights of (minor) victims of sexual violence in German criminal procedure Contribution
    Rostalski, Frauke (2023)
    In: Scicluna, Charles; Wijlens, Myriam (Eds.), Rights of alleged victims in penal proceedings, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 243-260
  8. Are women of all age groups equally affected by the shadow of sexual assault? Evidence from Germany Journal Article
    Hirtenlehner, Helmut; Farrall, Stephen; Groß, Eva (2023)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 20(3), pp. 834-855
  9. Reform needs in German criminal law on sexual offenses: The non-compromise of “no-means-no” Contribution
    Gmelin, Lena; Wörner, Hannah (2023)
    In: Erbaş, Rahime (Eds.), European perspectives on attrition in sexual offenses, Lexington Books, Lanham
  10. Shortcomings and proposals for reform of the Völkerstrafgesetzbuch Contribution
    Steinl, Leonie (2023)
    In: Crippa, Maria; Jessberger, Florian; Meloni, Chantal (Eds.), Domesticating international criminal law. Reflections on the Italian and German experiences, Routledge, Abingdon, (Directions and Developments in Criminal Justice and Law, ), pp. 102-109
  11. The new German law on sexual assault Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2023)
    In: Hörnle, Tatjana (Eds.), Sexual assault. Law reform in a comparative perspective, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 141-162
  12. Consent in criminal law Contribution
    Gur-Arye, Miriam (2023)
    In: Husa, Jaakko; Smits, Jan; Valcke, Catherine (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of comparative law, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham
  13. Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2022)
    In: Hoven, Elisa; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Consent and sexual offenses, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 183-196