
Reference type filter

  1. Consensual exchanges in German criminal procedure: the practice of negotiated judgments and the crown-witness regulation Contribution
    Schertel Mendes, Francisco (2021)
    In: Schertel Mendes, Francisco (Eds.), Leniency policies in the prosecution of economic crimes and corruption, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 150-213
  2. The right to assisted dying: constitutional jurisprudence and its impact in Canada, Germany and Austria Journal Article
    Braun, Kerstin (2021)
    In: ICL Journal, 15(3), pp. 291-318
  3. Collateral killings of civilians: reflecting recent German judgments on co-responsibility for foreign drone attacks Contribution
    Eser, Albin (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 237-257
  4. Universal jurisdiction and international crimes in German courts – recent steps towards exercising the principle of complementarity after the entry into force of the Rome Statute Journal Article
    Safferling, Christoph J.M.; Petrossian, Gurgen (2021)
    In: European Criminal Law Review, 11(2), pp. 242-263
  5. Proportionality paradigm or paradox? The proportionality principle in American and German security law jurisprudence Contribution
    Miller, Russell A. (2021)
    In: Billis, Emmanouil; Knust, Nandor; Rui, Jon (Eds.), Proportionality in crime control and criminal justice, Hart, Oxford, pp. 181-205
  6. Autonomy and the right to (end one’s?) life: a German perspective Contribution
    Momsen, Carsten; Schwarze, Mathis (2021)
    In: Forster, Charles; Herring, Jonathan; O'Neill, Clayton; Tingle, John (Eds.), Routledge handbook of global health rights, Routledge, London, pp. 332-347
  7. Desecration of corpses in relation to § 8(1) no. 9 German Code of Crimes against International Law (VStGB): the judgment of the German Federal Court of Justice ( Bundesgerichtshof ) of July 27, 2017–3 StR 57/17 Journal Article
    Bergmann, Vanessa; Blenk, Franziska; Cojger, Nathalie (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 276-287
  8. Germany Contribution
    Akinrinade, Babafemi (2021)
    In: Akinrinade, Babafemi (Eds.), Atrocity crimes, atrocity laws and justice in Africa, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 266-270
  9. Argumentation and legal interpretation in the criminal decisions of the Polish Supreme Court and the German Federal Court of Justice: a comparative view // Argumentation and Legal Interpretation in the Criminal Decisions of the Polish Supreme Court and the German Federal Court of Justice: A Comparative View Journal Article
    Małolepszy, Maciej; Głuchowski, Michał (2021)
    In: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, pp. 1-19
  10. Developments in German criminal law: speed merchant or murderer? The Ku’Damm road race case and the new criminal legislation regulating illegal motor racing Journal Article
    Davaanyam, Khulan; Wolff, Franziska; Khalaf, Ranya (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 288-302
  11. Developments in German criminal law: the urgent issues regarding prolonged pre-trial detention in Germany Journal Article
    Jung, Sina; Petrick, Carolin; Schiller, Eva Maria; Münster, Lukas (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 303-314
  12. Crimes committed by a state and culpability – can the perpetrators “at the bottom” of the organization be held culpable? Contribution
    Nestler, Cornelius (2020)
    In: Eisele, Jörg (Eds.), Past and future. Transitional justice versus traditional criminal justice? : Ways of dealing with past conflicts and past autocracies, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Beiträge zum Strafrecht - Contributions to Criminal Law, ), pp. 37-48
  13. Preventive detention in Germany and Europe Contribution
    Drenkhahn, Kirstin; Morgenstern, Christine (2020)
    In: Felthous, Alan; Sass, Henning (Eds.), Diagnosis and treatment, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, (The Wiley international handbook on psychopathic disorders and the law, Volume I), pp. 87-106