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  1. When the bough breaks – defences and sentencing options available in battered-women and similar scenarios under German criminal Law Contribution
    Bohlander, Michael (2011)
    In: Reed, Alan (Eds.), Loss of control and diminished responsibility. Domestic, comparative and international perspectives, Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 247-270
  2. Transnational organized crime. The German response Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2011)
    In: Okubo, Shiro; Shelley, Louise (Eds.), Human security, transnational crime and human trafficking. Asian and Western perspectives, Routledge, New York [u.a.], (Routledge transnational crime and corruption series, 6), pp. 59-80
  3. Does age prevent punishment? The struggles of the German juridical system with alleged nazi criminals: commentary on the criminal proceedings against John Demjanjuk and Heinrich Boere Journal Article
    Beck, Susanne (2010)
    In: German Law Journal, 11(3), pp. 347-365
  4. Absprachen in German criminal trials Contribution
    Altenhain, Karsten (2010)
    In: Thaman, Stephen (Eds.), World plea bargaining. Consensual procedures and the avoidance of the full criminal trial, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, pp. 157-179
  5. Dimensions of punitiveness in Germany Journal Article
    Kury, Helmut; Brandenstein, Martin; Obergfell-Fuchs, Joachim (2009)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 15(1-2), pp. 63-81
  6. The German hate crime concept. An account of the classification and registration of bias-motivated offences and the implementation of the hate crime model into Germany’s law enforcement system Journal Article
    Glet, Alke (2009)
    In: Internet Journal of Criminology, pp. 1-20
  7. Dangerousness, long prison terms, and preventive measures in Germany Journal Article
    Dessecker, Axel (2009)
    In: Champ pénal/Penal field, pp. 1-27
  8. Sentencing in Germany: basic questions and new developments Journal Article
    Streng, Franz (2007)
    In: German Law Journal, 8(2), pp. 153-171
  9. The “La Belle” trial: the sentencing of a terrorist bomber under the German penal code Journal Article
    Hoffmann, Philipp (2005)
    In: German Law Journal, 6(3), pp. 667-687
  10. German sentencing theory Journal Article
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2005)
    In: Ius et Lex, 3(2)
  11. Communication over confrontation. Modern criminal procedure in transformation Contribution
    Walther, Susanne (2004)
    In: Eser, Albin (Eds.), Strafjustiz im Spannungsfeld von Effizienz und Fairness. Konvergente und divergente Entwicklungen im Strafprozessrecht ; Internationales Kolloquium 8. - 11. Mai 2002 auf Schloss Ringberg = Criminal justice between crime control and due process, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht. S, Strafrechtliche Forschungsberichte, 101), pp. 367-379
  12. The punishment of serious crimes in Germany Contribution
    Gropengiesser, Helmut; Kreicker, Helmut (2004)
    In: Sieber, Ulrich (Eds.), The punishment of serious crimes. A comparative analysis of sentencing law and practice, Ed. iuscrim Max-Planck-Inst. für Ausländisches und Internat. Strafrecht, Freiburg i. Br., (Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht Arbeitsberichte, 5,2)