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  1. The handling of digital evidence in Germany Contribution
    Gless, Sabine; Wahl, Thomas (2021)
    In: Caianiello, Michele; Camon, Alberto (Eds.), Digital forensic evidence. Towards common European standards in antifraud administrative and criminal investigations, Wolters Kluwer, Milano, (Collezione di giustizia penale, 7), pp. 49-86
  2. A comparative analysis of statutes of limitation Contribution
    Hochmayr, Gudrun (2021)
    In: Gropp, Walter; Hochmayr, Gudrun (Eds.), Die Verjährung als Herausforderung für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, pp. 705-832
  3. Formalism versus pragmatism – a comparative legal and empirical analysis of the German and Dutch criminal justice systems with regard to effectiveness and efficiency Journal Article
    Hofmann, Robin (2021)
    In: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 28(4), pp. 452-478
  4. Developments in German criminal law: the urgent issues regarding prolonged pre-trial detention in Germany Journal Article
    Jung, Sina; Petrick, Carolin; Schiller, Eva Maria; Münster, Lukas (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 303-314
  5. COVID-19 and international crimes trials in Germany Journal Article
    Ritscher, Christian (2021)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 18(5), pp. 1077-1080
  6. Mechanisms for correcting judicial errors in Germany Journal Article
    Lindemann, Michael; Lienau, Fabienne (2020)
    In: Erasmus Law Review, 13(4), pp. 87-101
  7. European criminal procedure law in Germany: between traditions and innovation Contribution
    Wahl, Thomas; Oppers, Alexander (2020)
    In: Sellier, Elodie; Weyembergh, Anne (Eds.), Criminal procedures and cross-border cooperation in the EU area of criminal justice. Together but apart?, Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, (European studies, ), pp. 53-129
    Open Access
  8. Twenty-five years of legislation and law enforcement against money laundering in Germany: facts and opinions Contribution
    Hartmann, Arthur (2020)
    In: Antonopoulos, Georgios; Harvey, Jackie; Lampe, Klaus; Siegel, Dina; van Duyne, Petrus (Eds.), Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 325-352
  9. Exclusion or non-use of illegally gathered evidence in the criminal process: focus on common law and German approaches Contribution
    Thaman, Stephen C.; Brodowski, Dominik (2020)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 428-462
  10. Negotiated case dispositions in Germany, England and the United States Contribution
    Turner, Jenia Iontcheva; Weigend, Thomas (2020)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 389-427
  11. Report on the comparative conference on criminal procedure at Bielefeld University, interrogation, confession, and truth, 21 – 22 May 2019 Contribution
    Westermann, Alexandra; Newerla, Matthias (2020)
    In: Eidam, Lutz; Lindemann, Michael; Ransiek, Andreas (Eds.), Interrogation, confession, and truth. Comparative studies in criminal procedure, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, Band 43), pp. 209-214
  12. Self-incrimination privilege and interrogation. A German and comparative view Contribution
    Ransiek, Andreas (2020)
    In: Eidam, Lutz; Lindemann, Michael; Ransiek, Andreas (Eds.), Interrogation, confession, and truth. Comparative studies in criminal procedure, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht, Band 43), pp. 151-182