A project of the
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law
Suggest Publication
Comparative law (254)
Criminal procedure (233)
Criminal law: theory (164)
Empirical research (163)
Legal history (146)
Criminal law (142)
Criminology (127)
Law reform (124)
Sentences (122)
Victims (93)
Criminal policy (93)
Police (89)
Withdrawal of prosecution and plea bargaining (88)
Criminal law: culpability (84)
Prisons and imprisonment (82)
Terrorism (81)
Sanctions, Criminal (77)
Criminal law: juveniles (75)
Evidence: criminal law (73)
National Socialism (71)
Judgments (69)
Punishment, Purposes of (65)
Human rights (65)
Criminal investigation (65)
International criminal law (60)
Offenses against the person (59)
Arrest, detention and bail (59)
Sexual offenses (58)
Constitutional law (54)
European Union and national law (relationship) (51)
Civil rights (51)
Justification (criminal law) (51)
Economic crimes and offenses (51)
Trials: particular (51)
Criminal intent (50)
Criminal law: complicity (50)
Criminals (49)
Criminal law: constitutional aspects (47)
Inquisitorial system (46)
Crime (44)
Prosecuting and public attorney (43)
Defendant/Defense/Defense counsel (criminal procedure) (43)
Legislation (42)
Due process of law (39)
Electronic surveillance (38)
Homicide (38)
Women (38)
Parole and probation (37)
Prosecutorial discretion (37)
Organized crime (36)
European Court of Human Rights (36)
Extremism (36)
Defenses (criminal law) (36)
Crime prevention (35)
Judicial statistics (35)
Corporations: criminal liability (34)
Minorities (34)
Sanctions, Administrative (34)
Penology (33)
Recidivism (33)
Sociology (33)
Medical laws and legislation (32)
Judges (32)
Common law (32)
Antisemitism (32)
Treaties (32)
Right of privacy (31)
Holocaust / Shoah (31)
Adversarial system (30)
Criminal statistics (29)
Excuse (criminal law) (29)
Violence (29)
Jurisdiction (29)
Emigration and immigration (28)
Internet (28)
Courts (27)
Negligence, Criminal (26)
European Law: general (26)
Offenses committed in public office (25)
Juries and lay judges (24)
Mistake (criminal law) (24)
Legal good (24)
Codes and codification (24)
Medical ethics (23)
Witnesses (23)
Rule of law (23)
Rehabilitation of criminals (23)
Domestic or gender-based violence (23)
Admissions and confessions (22)
Criminal act (22)
Restitution and unjust enrichment (22)
Abortion (22)
Search and seizure (22)
Sanctions, Non-criminal (21)
Freedom of speech (21)
Judicial discretion (21)
Corporations: corrupt practices (21)
Judiciary (21)
Offenses against the state (21)
Money laundering (21)
News media (20)
Private prosecution (20)
Retroactive laws (20)
Punishment, Theories of (20)
European Law: criminal law and procedure (20)
Psychology (20)
Mental health (19)
National security (19)
Criminal law: attempt (19)
Political crimes (18)
Pandemic / Epidemic (18)
Jurisprudence (18)
Communications and mass media (18)
Administration of justice (18)
Euthanasia (18)
Data protection (18)
Discrimination (18)
Children / Adolescents (18)
Genocide (18)
Social media (18)
Computer crimes (18)
Races (18)
War crimes (17)
Religion (17)
Suicide (17)
International Criminal Court (ICC) (16)
Sex (16)
Trials (16)
Rome Statute (16)
Criminal law: omission (15)
Law enforcement (15)
German reunification (15)
International criminal courts and tribunals (15)
Fraud (15)
Crimes against humanity (15)
Drug abuse and crime (14)
Offenses against morals (14)
History (14)
Extradition (14)
Offenses against property (14)
Causation (14)
Transitional justice (14)
Education (13)
Jurisdiction (international law) (13)
Offenses against the administration of justice (13)
International law (13)
Drug abuse (13)
Social policy and reform (13)
Inter-German relations (12)
Criminal interrogation (12)
Exterritoriality (12)
Psychiatry (12)
Law and ethics (12)
Judicial process (12)
Military tribunals (international) (12)
Restorative justice (12)
Artificial intelligence (11)
Philosophy (11)
Alternative criminal sanctions (11)
Offenses against public safety (11)
Torture (11)
Conciliation and mediation (11)
Trial practice (11)
Defamation (11)
Secret service (11)
Gender and gender identity (11)
Criminal law: philosophy (11)
Aged (11)
Constitutional courts (11)
Statistics (11)
Hate crimes / Hate speech (11)
Psychiatric / mental institution (11)
Socialist criminal law (10)
International judicial assistance (10)
Experts, expert witnesses and scientific evidence (10)
Statutes (10)
Limitation of actions (10)
Health (10)
Punishment, Proportionality of (10)
Homosexuality (10)
Environmental crimes and offenses (10)
International agencies (9)
Concentration camps (9)
Feminism (9)
Corporations: officers (9)
Court of Justice of the European Union (9)
Parents and children (9)
Capital punishment (9)
Traffic violations (9)
Liberty (9)
Criminal procedure: appeal (9)
Council of Europe (8)
Indictment and information (8)
Corporations: governance (8)
Insanity (8)
Interpretation and construction (8)
Banks and banking (8)
Corporate responsibility (7)
Persons (7)
Appeal (7)
Refugees (7)
Capacity (7)
Duress (7)
years: 1880 - 1945 (7)
Confidential communications (7)
European Union (7)
Recklessness (7)
Information storage and retrieval systems (7)
Reproductive technology (7)
Border guards (6)
Amnesty and pardon (6)
Freedom of the press and mass media (6)
Administrative offenses (6)
Sovereignty (6)
War (6)
Civil suit (criminal procedure) (6)
Dispute resolution (6)
Legal education (6)
Malpractice (6)
Socialism (6)
Records (6)
Administrative law and procedure (6)
Arts (6)
Medical jurisprudence (6)
Wrongful conviction (6)
Self determination (6)
Slavery, forced labor, etc. (6)
Legal positivism (6)
Fetus (6)
Antitrust and restraint of competition (6)
Economics (6)
Death (5)
Propaganda (5)
Artificial procreation (5)
Conflict of laws (5)
Executive power (5)
Natural law (5)
Corporations (5)
Criminal law: unlawfulness (5)
Physicians (5)
Judge-made law (5)
Judicial review (5)
Provocation (5)
Military law and armed forces (5)
Evidence (5)
Sport (5)
Taxation: avoidance and evasion (5)
Language and languages (5)
Reception of law (5)
Narcotics (5)
Government liability (5)
Military occupation (5)
Money (4)
Marriage (4)
Sexual autonomy (4)
Public officials and employees (4)
Computers (4)
Legal literature (4)
Protection of the state (4)
United Nations (UN) (4)
Dictatorship (4)
Business organizations (4)
State, The (4)
Civil law system (4)
Transborder data flow (4)
Islamophobia (4)
Anthropology (4)
Associations and societies (4)
Alcohol and alcoholism (4)
Corporations: liability (4)
Military government (3)
Asylum (3)
Commerce (3)
Information law and legislation (3)
Legal ethics (3)
Sociological jurisprudence (3)
Private security services (3)
Federalism and federal system (3)
Political parties and groups (3)
Citizenship (3)
Reprisals and retaliation (3)
Separation of powers (3)
Punishment, Corporal (3)
Taxation: procedure and enforcement (3)
Securities (3)
Photographs and photography (3)
Strict liability (3)
Administrative agencies (3)
European Law: Area of freedom, security and justice (3)
Financial law (3)
Social sciences (3)
Civil law (3)
Freedom of assembly (3)
Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. (3)
Revolution (3)
Government (3)
Offenses against personal liberty (3)
Legal aid (3)
Mitigation (3)
Aggravation (3)
Communicable diseases (3)
Failure to assist in emergencies (3)
Bar associations (3)
International trade (2)
Civil disobedience (2)
Weapons (2)
Genetics (2)
Public law (2)
World Wide Web (information retrieval system) (2)
Family law (2)
Blasphemy (2)
Attorneys (2)
Territoriality (2)
Disabled persons (2)
Public administration (2)
Biography: individual (2)
Agents provocateurs (2)
Right to life and health (2)
Succession of states (2)
Demography (2)
International and national law (relationship) (2)
Tobacco (2)
Treaties: particular (2)
Crimes against peace (2)
Labor law (2)
Television, radio and cable transmission (2)
Hospitals (2)
Freedom of religion (2)
Electronics (2)
Gambling (2)
Law, Methodology of (2)
Men (2)
Traffic accidents (2)
Colleges and universities (2)
Armed forces abroad (2)
Databases (2)
Religious associations (2)
Offenses against religion (2)
Computer software (2)
Law in literature (2)
International organization (2)
Capital market (2)
Sterilization (2)
Video, tape and disc recordings, etc. (2)
International law: codification (2)
Sexual orientation (1)
Humanitarian law (1)
Adoption (1)
Legal profession (1)
Social justice (1)
Accounting and auditing (1)
Products liability (1)
Surrogate mothers (1)
Legislator (1)
Right of property (1)
Customary law and usages (1)
Multimedia systems (1)
Unfair trade practices (1)
International law: history (1)
Science (1)
Contracts (1)
Enemy law (1)
Electronic commerce (1)
Insider trading (1)
Diplomatic privileges and immunities (1)
Res judicata (1)
Burials and cemeteries (1)
Donation of organs, tissues, etc (1)
Copyright (1)
Colonialism (1)
Aggression (international law) (1)
Bibliography (1)
Citizen suits (criminal procedure) (1)
Trust in state actors (1)
Mass incarceration (1)
European Communities (1)
Birth control (1)
Elections (1)
Dismemberment of nations (1)
Law and economics (1)
Human experimentation in medicine (1)
Blood tests (1)
Legal research (1)
Police, International (1)
Trade secrets (1)
Negligence (1)
Political science (1)
Food, drug and cosmetic law (1)
Civil procedure (1)
Precedents (1)
Neutrality (1)
Foreign judgments (1)
Delicts and torts (1)
AIDS (disease) (1)
Bioethics (1)
Motion pictures (1)
Legislative bodies (1)
Feminist jurisprudence (1)
Big data (1)
Sedition (1)
Equal protection (1)
Corporations: directors (1)
Prisoners of war and internees (1)
Military tribunals (national) (1)
Professions (1)
International law: philosophy (1)
Boundaries (international law) (1)
Aliens and alien property (1)
Capitalism (1)
Acts of legal significance (1)
Soft law (1)
years: 1933 - 1945 (1)
Customary law, International (1)
Achelpöhler, Wilhelm
Achim, Monica Violeta
Ackermann-Blome, Natalie
Adams, Michael
Aden, Hartmut
Ahlbrecht, Heiko
Ahmad, Falaq
Akinrinade, Babafemi
Aksamitowska, Karolina
Albrecht, Anna Helena
Albrecht, Anna H.
Albrecht, Hans-Jörg
Albrecht, Peter-Alexis
Allahverdiyev, Sijad
Almer, Christian
Altenhain, Karsten
Ambos, Kai
Amelung, Knut
Amo-Darko, Michael
Andenas, Mads
Andreadis-Papadimitriou, Pavlos
Ansermet, Lydia
Arnold, Harald R.
Arnold, Jörg
Arnold, Stefan
Arslan, Mehmet
Arzt, Gunther
Ashworth, Andrew
Ast, Stephan
Augst, Charlotte
Axtmann, Jan
Azevedo, Vanessa
Azuero-Quijano, Alejandra
Baccaria, Franca
Badar, Mohamed Elewa
Baer, Susanne
Bai, Luyuan
Baier, Dirk
Baller, Robert D.
Balmer, Julia
Balo, Yusuf Solmaz
Banaschak, Sibylle
Bannenberg, Britta
Barco, Gustavo Emilio Cote
Barker, Kim
Bartsch, H.-J.
Bashaw Jones, Jennifer
Beck, Susanne
Beck, Thomas
Becker, Kristina
Behrendt, Svenja
Bejster, Karolina
Bender, Doris
Bender, Philip Maximilian
Bennefeld-Kersten, Katharina
Benseler, Justus
Bergmann, Marcus
Bergmann, Marie C.
Bergmann, Vanessa
Bergner, Matthias
Bernhart, Fabian
Bernsmann, Klaus
Berryessa, Colleen M.
Berzin, Pawlo
Berzina, Anzhela
Bielejewski, Aaron
Biermann, Teresa
Bilsky, Wolfgang
Binavince, Emilio S.
Bischoff, Eva
Bittmann, Folker
Bjorge, Eirik
Blaauw-Wolf, Loammi
Bleich, Stefan
Blenk, Franziska
Bliesener, Thomas
Bloch, Brandon
Blocher, Janine
Block, Johannes
Bloemberg, Ronnie
Bock, Stefanie
Boe, Morten
Boers, Klaus
Boes, Maria R.
Boetticher, Axel
Bohlander, Michael
Bondü, Rebecca
Borg, Ingwer
Bosch, Alexander
Boticiu, Sonia Ruxandra
Bottke, Wilfried
Bou Sleiman, Mohamed
Boyne, Shawn Marie
Bradley, Craig M.
Brandenstein, Martin
Braun, Elisabeth
Braun, Kerstin
Brauns, Christian
Bregel, Stefan
Breig, Burkhard
Briken, Peer
Brodowski, Dominik
Bruce, Ingvild
Brudner, Alan
Brugger, Winfried
Bruns, Jannik
Bröcker, Maria
Buchholz, Erich
Buchholz, Irmgard
Buisman, Sanne
Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
Burchard, Christoph
Burgard, Selina
Burghardt, Boris
Burke, Laura
Burkhardt, Björn
Bussenius, Anne
Bussmann, Kai D.
Butz, Felix
Bègue, Laurent
Bögelein, Nicole
Böse, Martin
Bühner, Wilhem
Bülte, Nicolai
Bürger, Bernd
Cancio Meliá, Manuel
Carlson, Caitlin Ring
Carrera, Enara Garro
Carvalho, Joana
Castillo Ara, Alejandra
Castro, Alexander
Chalkiadaki, Vasiliki
Chappell, Duncan
Chattoraj, Paromita
Cho, Kuk
Christoph, Stephan
Cirener, Gabriele
Claessen, Jacques
Clausnitzer, Martin
Clement, Sandra
Coca-Vila, Ivó
Cochran, Joshua C.
Coffey, Claire
Cojger, Nathalie
Colvin, Sarah
Corda, Alessandro
Corell, Christian
Cornacchia, Luigi
Cornils, Karin
Corrêa Camargo, Beatriz
Corves, E.
Council of Europe,
Creasman, Allyson F.
Crofts, Thomas
Cucinotta, Carlo
Dangelmaier, Tamara
Dann, Matthias
Dannecker, Gerhard
Darby, Joseph J.
Das, Dilip K.
Das, Soham
Dauster, Manfred
Davaanyam, Khulan
De Mildt, Dick
Dekker, Arne
Demleitner, Nora V.
Denzel, Moritz
Derra, Matthias
Desmarais, André
Dessecker, Axel
Dippel, Olga
Do, Vu Mai Linh
Dobson, Craig
Dollinger, Bernd
Dollmann, Jörg
Douglas, Lawrence
Douglas, Marie C.
Drage, Geoffrey
Dreißigacker, Leonie
Drenkhahn, Kirstin
Dressing, Harald
Drumbl, Mark
Dubber, Markus D.
Dubber, Markus Dirk
Dubin, Danielle R.
Dudeck, Manuela
Duff, Antony
Duman, Irmak
Duttge, Gunnar
Duvinage, Cedric
Dyson, Matthew
Dzik, Anna W.
Dölemeyer, Anne
Dölling, Dieter
Dücker, Sabrina
Dünkel, Frieder
Dąbrowska, Katarzyna
D’Orazio, Vito
Ebner, Viola
Eckert, Roland
Eckert, Stine
Egg, Rudolph
Eichfelder, Marius
Eidam, Lutz
Eisele, Jörg
Elberling, Björn
Elder, Sace
Endres, Johann
Enescu, Raluca
Enescu, Rasluca
Engel, Christoph
Engelhart, Marc
Entorf, Horst
Epik, Aziz
Eppert, Kerstin
Erber, Michael
Erhard, Silvia
Ermasova, Natalia
Eser, Albin
Esposito, Antonio K.
Esser, Robert
Evans, Jennifer V.
Evans, Richard J.
Faber, Mirko
Fabre, Anne-Séverine
Fahl, Christian
Farrall, Stephen
Fateh-Moghadam, Bijan
Faure, Michael G.
Faust, Friederike
Feeney, Floyd
Feest, Johannes
Felstiner, William L. F.
Filipps, Julia
Finder, Gabriel N.
Fionda, Julia
Fischer-Lescano, Andreas
Fisher, Howard D.
Fitzgibbon, Wendy
Flammer, Erich
Fleiter, Andreas
Fletcher, George P.
Florquin, Nicolas
Fludernik, Monika
Forberger, Sarah
Foster, Nigel G.
Fournet, Caroline
Frank, Udo
Frase, Richard S.
Frehsee, Detlev
Freitag, Christine M.
Frevel, Bernhard
Friehe, Tim
Frielingsdorf, Jolinde
Frisch, Wolfgang
Frommann, Maike
Fronza, Emanuela
Fuchs, Micha
Funk, T. Markus
Fyfe, Shannon
Fährmann, Jan
Gabriel, Manfred J.
Gaede, Karsten
Galantino, Maria Grazia
Galen, Margarete von
Galli, Thomas
Galvano, Joyce
Geerling, Wayne
Geißelsöder, Kerstin
Geneuss, Julia
Gerber, Monica M.
Gerdemann, Simon
Germann, Michael
Gesk, Georg
Gewehr, Elsa
Ghanayim, Khalid
Ghanem, Christian
Ghigheci, Cristinel
Gilliéron, Gwladys
Glahé, Philipp
Glaser, Sebastian
Gless, Sabine
Glet, Alke
Gmelin, Lena
Goede, Laura-Romina
Goerg, Sebastian J.
Goeschl, Timo
Goetze, Kirsten
Gomes, Hugo Santos
Gordon, Roy H.
Gottschalk, Petter
Governa, Jacopo
Goy, Alexandra
Graebsch, Christine
Graeff, Peter
Grande, Elisabetta
Gras, Marianne L.
Grau, Günter
Graulich, Kurt
Graupner, Helmut
Greco, Luís
Greenhalgh, Elizabeth M.
Greif, Dominik
Grieger, Lena
Griffin, Rachel
Groeben, Constantin
Groeger-Roth, Frederick
Groot, Timon
Gropengiesser, Helmut
Gropp, Walter
Grosse, Alexandra
Grosse, Claudia
Grosse-Wilde, Thomas
Groß, Eva
Gruodytė, Edita
Grzywotz, Johanna
Grüne, Niels
Gumel, Naguib Ali Seif El
Gupta, Chander Mohan
Gur-Arye, Miriam
Gut, Till
Guzy, Nathalie
Gómez Tomillo, Manuel
Gödecke, Petra
Göhler, Johanna Maria
Göken, Hanna
Görgen, Thomas
Görlitz, Franziska
Günther, Klaus
Głuchowski, Michał
Habermann, Julia
Habermeyer, Elmar
Haffke, Lars
Hagl, Stephan
Haider, Isabel
Hamdorf, Kai
Hank, Lisa
Hanke, Stefan
Hanslmaier, Michael
Hanson, Alan
Harfst, Gerold
Harnischmacher, Robert
Harrendorf, Stefan
Hartmann, Adolf
Hartmann, Arthur
Hartmann, Luisa
Hartmann, Sarah
Hartwig, Matthias
Hasenpusch, Burkhard
Hassemer, Winfried
Haubrock, Lina Sophie
Haumann, Christian
Hausam, Joscha
Haverkamp, Rita
Heblik, Michelle
Hefendehl, Roland
Hefner, Franziska
Heger, Martin
Heide, Steffen
Heinrich, Bernd
Heinz, Wolfgang
Heinze, Alexander
Heitmüller, Ulrike
Hellmann, Deborah F.
Herde, Tanja
Hermann, Dieter
Herold, Maria Dich
Herpertz, Sabine
Herring, Rachel
Herrmann, E.
Herrmann, Joachim
Herz, Clara
Herzog, Todd
Hestermann, Thomas
Hett, Benjamin Carter
Hetzer, Wolfgang
Heynen, Evelyn
Hildebrandt, Mireille
Hilgendorf, Eric
Hillenkamp, Thomas
Hillert, Jana
Hirtenlehner, Helmut
Hirth, Maria-Anna
Hochmayr, Gudrun
Hoell, Andreas
Hoffman, Lesa
Hoffmann, Philipp
Hoffmann-Holland, Klaus
Hofman, Elwin
Hofmann, Joerg
Hofmann, Robin
Hohendorf, Ines
Hoppe, Michel
Hornegger, Mavi
Horovitz, Anat
Horsmann, Tobias
Hosser, Daniela
Hoven, Elisa
Huber, Barbara
Huber, Hans-Peter
Hubert, Juliane
Hufnagel, Saskia
Hunnings, N. March
Hunold, Daniela
Husabø, Erling Johannes
Huss, Björn
Hustus, Ludmila
Härter, Karl
Höfer, Sven
Höffler, Katrin
Höly, Kristina
Höppner, Grit
Hörnle, Julia
Hörnle, Tatjana
Hövermann, Andreas
Ide, Timo
Imhoff, Roland
Jackson, John D.
Jackson, Jonathan
Jackson, S. E.
Jacobsen, Jörn
Jacoby, Nicole
Jahn, Matthias
Jain, Neha
Jakobs, Günther
Janssen, Heleen J.
Janßen, Katharina
Jaraba, Mahmoud
Jasch, Michael
Jaspers, Birgit
Jawurek, Charlotte
Jehle, Jörg-Martin
Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich
Jessberger, Florian
Jeßberger, Florian
Jiménez Durán, Rafael
Jobard, Fabien
John, Tobias
Johnson, Elmer H.
Johnson, Eric Arthur
Joleby, Malin
Jones, Imogen
Jong, Wouter
Jongleux, Benjamin
Jugl, Irina
Jung, Frank
Jung, Heike
Jung, Sina
Jurasz, Olga
Juy-Birmann, Rodolphe
Kahlert, Rahel
Kahraman, Recep
Kaiser, Florian
Kaiser, Günther
Kaiser, Michael
Kakavand, Azade Esther
Kaleck, Wolfgang
Kamenitsa, Lynn
Kamp, Jeannette
Kanol, Eylem
Kanz, Kristina
Kapo, Elizabeth J.
Kapsaski, Ifigeneia
Karbe, Dorothee
Kaspar, Johannes
Kaszas, Keryne
Kayacan, Derya Nur
Kehoe, E. James
Kehoe, Thomas J.
Keiler, Johannes
Keller, Jochen
Kemme, Stefanie
Kempfle, Roland
Kenkmann, Andrea
Kettner, Mattias
Khadjavi, Menusch
Khalaf, Ranya
Kherkheulidze, Irene
Kilchling, Michael
Killean, James J.
King, Sonja
Kinzig, Jörg
Kirchheimer, Otto
Kirchner, Stefan
Klatt, Thimna
Kleiber, Manfred
Kleinewiese, Julia
Kleinfeld, Joshua
Kliem, Sören
Klinger, Sinja
Klinkhammer, Julian
Klip, André
Klippel, Diethelm
Kloppenburg, Vanessa
Knytel, Dagna
Kober, David
Koch, Hans-Georg
Koch, Jennifer
Koehler, Daniel
Kogan, Irena
Kohl, Uta
Konarska, Milena
Konrad, Norbert
Koopmans, Ingeborg M.
Kornhuber, Johannes
Kosilova, Olha I.
Kosonoga, Jacek
Kosson, David S.
Kotzurek, Natalie
Kozin, Alexander
Krebs, Beatrice
Krehl, Christoph
Kreicker, Helmut
Kremens, Karolina
Kremnitzer, Mordechai
Kress, Claus
Kretschmann, Andrea
Kretschmer, Bernhard
Kreutz, Julia Aileen
Krey, Volker
Krieg, Yvonne
Krischer, Maya K.
Kroneberg, Clemens
Kruse, Andreas
Kröber, Hans Ludwig
Kröger, Christoph
Kuchenbauer, Konstantin
Kucher, Jasmin
Kuczyńska, Hanna
Kudlich, Hans
Kuhli, Milan
Kulesza, Cezary
Kurlemann, Peter J.
Kury, Helmut
Kyrychenko, Oleh V.
Köhler, Thomas
Kölbel, Ralf
König, Stefan
Köpcke, Tobias
Köppen, Patrick
Körner, Mascha
Künnecke, Martina
Lacey, Nicola
Lagodny, Otto
Lampe, Klaus
Landweer, Hilge
Langbein, John H.
Lange, Martin
Langer, Máximo
Latour, Christian
Lau, Steffen
Laumond, Bénédicte
Lauterwein, Carl Constantin
Lavery, Jenny
Lawrence, Glenn
Lehmann, Lena
Leimbach, Katharina
Lempp, Thomas
Lepsius, Oliver
Leser, Julia
Leszczynska, Aneta
Leukel, Sandra
Leuschner, Fredericke
Levanon, Liat
Lewis, Chris
Liang, Oliver
Lienau, Fabienne
Liesem, Kerstin
Light, Michael T.
Lindemann, Michael
Linhart, Karin M.
Link, Eva
Link, Tanja C.
Lipp, Volker
Lohmann, Anna
Lorenz, Henning
Loughnan, Arlie
Luczak, Anna
Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Wolfgang
Luján Pinelo, Aleida
Lukas, Tim
Luna, Erik
Luong Thi, My Quynh
Lupas, Daniela
Lykhova, Sofiia Ya.
Lysko, Tetiana D.
Löschnig-Gspandl, Marianne
Lösel, Friedrich
Lüderssen, Klaus
Ma, Yue
Maas, Heiko
MacLean, Jan
Machura, Stefan
Maciey, Dario
Madak, Nedret
Maehle, Andreas-Holger
Magee, Gary B.
Magnus, Dorothea
Maier, Jessica
Maier, Stefan
Maiorova, Ludmila
Malzahn, Rehzi
Mandiberg, Susan F.
Mania, Karolina
Maniszewska, Katarzyna
Manna, Ammar Abdul Karim
Mannheim, Hermann
Mansdörfer, Marco
Manthey, Jakob
Markuntsov, Sergey
Matsuzawa, Shin
Mattern, Michael G.
May, Lennart
Małolepszy, Maciej
McGrath, Colm Peter
Meeres, David
Meier, Bernd-Dieter
Meier, Jana
Meier-Göring, Anne
Melloh, Florian
Meltzer, Christine E.
Merkel, Grischa
Messner, Steven F.
Meuer, Katharina
Meyer, Frank
Meyer, Jürgen
Meyer, Miriam
Michaelsen, Christopher
Miller, Russell A.
Minkova, Liana Georgieva
Mischkowitz, Robert
Mischler, Antonia
Mittag, Matthias
Miśkiewicz, Aleksandra
Moazen, Babak
Moeller, Manfred R.
Moeller, Mika Josephine
Moeller, Robert G.
Mohr, Angelika
Momsen, Carsten
Monger, Janice
Moosa, Amir Makee
Morgenstern, Christine
Mosbacher, Andreas
Moskalewicz, Jacek
Mouralis, Guillaume
Munzer, Stephen
Munzert, Johannes
Muszyński, Jan
Muñoz Conde, Francisco
Möhrenschlager, Manfred
Möller, Uriel
Möller, Veronika
Müller, Karsten
Müller, Lukas Frederik
Müller, Pia
Müller, Reinhard
Müller-Dietz, Heinz
Münster, Lukas
Mędrzycka-Dąbrowska, Wioletta
Nagel, Klara
Nagtegaal, Marleen
Naik, Yeshwant
Nakane, Tomohiro
Naucke, Wolfgang
Nelson, James I.
Nerlich, Volker
Nestler, Cornelius
Neubacher, Frank
Neuhauser, Bastian
Neumann, Louisa
Neumann, Merten
Neumann, Ulfrid
Newerla, Matthias
Newman, Christopher J.
Nezaami, Nasiruddin
Niehaus, Holger
Niemeczek, Anja
Nier, Charles Louis
Nivette, Amy
Nägel, Christof
Obergfell-Fuchs, Joachim
Obermaier, Magdalena
Oberwittler, Dietrich
Ochterbeck, Doris
Oehmichen, Anna
Oelrich, Sebastian
Oeter, Stefan
Ohana, Daniel
Ohlin, Jens David
Ohlmann-Frieling, Tino
Ohnesorge, Christopher
Ohnesorge, Rebecca
Oleownik, Sonja
Opielka, Sascha
Oppers, Alexander
Osawa, Stephanie
Oswald, Katharina
Othman, Marvin
Ott, Walter
Oudijk, Johannes C.
Ozga, Dorota
Padfield, Nicola
Paiusco, Sara
Pakter, Walter
Palmiotto, Michael J.
Palmowski, Nina
Paramonova, Svetlana
Parzeller, Markus
Passow, Daniel
Patin, Nicolas
Pauer-Studer, Herlinde
Pehle, Sigrid
Pendas, Devin O.
Peristeridou, Christina
Perron, Walter
Persson, Mareike
Peter, Martina
Peters, Kristina
Petrick, Carolin
Petrossian, Gurgen
Petzsche, Anneke
Pfeffer, Elizabeth Gordon
Pfeffer, Kristin
Pfoertner, Klaus
Piatkowska, Sylwia J.
Pichler, Stefan
Pielmann, Diana
Pilone, Lea
Piquero, Alex R.
Pisaniak, Paulina
Pisarska, Agnieszka
Pizzi, William T.
Piórek, Weronika
Pohlmann, Markus
Pranghofer, Sebastian
Preetz, Nicolai
Preuß, Tamina
Priemel, Kim Christian
Prützel-Thomas, Monika
Pues, Anni
Puhlmann, Peter
Pukrop, Ralf
Puppe, Ingeborg
Pyrcak-Górowska, Małgorzata
Quenzer, Carolin
Quint, Peter E.
Rabold, Susann
Rackow, Peter
Radbruch, Lukas
Radeloff, Daniel
Radin, Max
Radvanyi, Miklos K.
Rahm, Christoffer
Raible, Yonna
Rank, Anni
Ransiek, Andreas
Rastegar, Jinnus
Rauber, Jochen
Rauf, Amna
Rauxloh, Regina
Rebouché, Rachel
Reichl, Frauke
Reinecke, Jost
Reinke, Herbert
Reitz, Daniela
Rennig, Christoph
Renzikowski, Joachim
Rettenberger, Martin
Rettenmaier, Felix
Reulbach, Udo
Rhein, Katharina
Richter, Gerd
Richter, Natalie
Rieger, Diana
Rinceanu, Johanna
Rindell, Joanna
Ritscher, Christian
Ritter, Bianca
Robbers, Gerhard
Roberts, Julian
Roché, Sebastian
Rodbertus, Luise
Roef, David
Roemer, Daniel
Roemer, Nils
Roest, Jesse
Rogan, Mary
Roggenfelder, Thomas
Rolando, Sara
Rommel, Jens
Ropers, Anni
Rosenau, Henning
Rosenblum, Warren
Rosenkranz, Moritz
Rosenmüller, Stefanie
Ross, Jacqueline E.
Rostalski, Frauke
Roth, Viktoria
Rothschild, Markus A.
Roxan, Agnes
Roxin, Claus
Rublack, Ulinka
Rysenbry, Elliot
Römer, Tobias
Rössner, Dieter
Rübenstahl, Markus
Rückel, Christoph
Sack, Fritz
Safferling, Christoph J.M.
Saifullina, Maria Ivanovna
Salditt, Franz
Salemi, Simone
Salize, Hans Joachim
Sandhu, Aqilah
Sarder, Philipp
Savelsberg, Joachim J.
Sayid, Mustafa D.
Schaerff, Marcus
Schaller, Christian
Scheffer, Moritz
Scheidegger, Nora
Scheithauer, Herbert
Schemmel, Alexander
Schemmel, Jonas
Schertel Mendes, Francisco
Schiller, Eva Maria
Schiltz, Kolja
Schirmer, Sarah
Schlepper, Christina
Schmid, Ursula Kristin
Schmidt, Anja
Schmidt, Silke
Schmitt, Eric
Schmitt-Leonardy, Charlotte
Schmoll, Annemarie
Schneider, Anne
Schneider, Tim
Schomburg, Wolfgang
Schram, Glenn
Schramm, Edward
Schreier, Sarah
Schröder, Carl Philipp
Schröder, Christian
Schröder, Thomas
Schumann, Heribert
Schuster, Frank Peter
Schwartz, Paul M.
Schwarz, Carlo
Schwarze, Mathis
Schwarzenbach, Anina
Schwarzkopf, Larissa
Schwedler, Andreas
Schüler-Spri̇ngorum, Horst
Schüller, Andreas
Schünemann, Bernd
Schüttler, Helena
Seesko, Friederike
Seidel, Gerd
Seiterle, Stefan
Selzer, Janina L.
Selzer, Nicole
Sergi, Bruno S.
Seto, Michael Chikong
Sevecke, Kathrin
Sfekas, Stephen J.
Shamara, Oleksandr V.
Shames, Alison
Shamne, Anton
Shaynurova, Dariya
Shestak, Viktor
Shi, Jiahui
Sieber, Ulrich
Siegismund, Eberhard
Siemens, Daniel
Silverman, Emily
Singelnstein, Tobias
Sinn, Arndt
Smartt, Ursula
Smyth, Russell
Sommerer, Lucia
Sommerfeld, Katrin
Somogyi, Csilla
Sow, Amadou Korbinian
Soyaslan, Gülen
Soyer, Michaela
Spengler, Hannes
Sperling, Wolfgang
Spiess, Gerhard J.
Staff, Helge
Staffler, Lukas
Staller, Mario
Stam, Fabian
Stamatel, Janet P.
Stams, Geert Jan
Standen, Daniel J.
Stark, Findlay
Starystach, Sebastian
Stawowy, Bartłomiej
Steffes, Bianca
Stegbauer, Andreas
Stegmiller, Ignaz
Stein, Philipp
Steinböck, Herbert R.
Steinert, Christoph Valentin
Steinert, Tilman
Steinl, Leonie
Steinmann, Jan-Philip
Steinmeyer, Stefan
Steitz, Kerstin
Stemmler, Mark
Stender-Vorwachs, Jutta
Stenger, Jan
Stevens, James W.
Stiller, Dankwart
Stocker, Stephanie
Stoeber, Franziska
Stoll, Katharina
Streng, Franz
Strohmeier, Dagmar
Stummvoll, Günter
Stöver, Heino
Stübner, Susanne
Stürmer, Franziska
Subramanian, Ram
Suhajda, Attila
Sule, Satish
Taefi, Anabel
Taferner, Jutta
Tampe, Laura
Tankebe, Justice
Tanner, Alexander
Tarczon, Aleksander
Tassis, Melina
Taylor, Greg
Teichmann, Fabian Maximilian Johannes
Tellenbach, Silvia
Terblanche, Stephan S.
Terry, Christopher
Teske, Raymond H.C.
Thadden, Alexandra
Thaman, Stephen C.
Thielmann, Gerd
Thom, Betsy
Thome, Helmut
Thorburn, Malcolm
Thunberg, Sara
Thurn, Roman
Toepel, Friedrich
Tomczyk, Samuel
Tonry, Michael H.
Tosza, Stanisław
Traxler, Christian
Trilling, Damian
Trivedi-Bateman, Neema
Tsambikakis, Michael
Tselenti, Danai
Tsokos, Michael
Turhan, Engin
Turner, Jenia Iontcheva
Tyrichter, Jean Conrad
Tóth, Dávid
Ulbricht, Alexej
Vadokas, Alexander
Valerius, Brian
Vasmatkar, Abhijit D.
Vaughan, Michael
Vavra, Rita
Verrel, Torsten
Viehmann, Horst
Vieten, Ulrike M.
Vig, David
Villiers, Dawie
Villmow, Bernhard
Vockrodt, Marcel
Vogel, Benjamin
Vogel, Joachim
Vogler, Richard
Vohs, Knut
Volbert, Renate
Volynets, Ruslan
Vormbaum, Thomas
Voss, Elke
Vries, Aart
Wachsmann, Nikolaus
Wackernagel, Clemens
Wade, Marianne
Wahl, Thomas
Wahren, Juliane
Waite, Robert G.
Walburg, Christian
Walen, Alec
Walther, Susanne
Wassmer, Martin Paul
Watney, Murdoch
Weber, Urban
Weigend, Thomas
Wein, Thomas
Weinrich, Nils
Weiss, Maren
Weisser, Bettina
Weitzer, Ronald
Weißmann, Markus
Wendt, Rudolf
Wenzelburger, Georg
Werle, Gerhard
Werner, Denis
Werner, Maja
Wertz, Maximilian
Wessing, Jürgen
Westermann, Alexandra
Wetzell, Richard F.
Whittaker, Konrad
Wieser, Patrick
Wikström, Per-Olof H.
Wilhelms, Kerstin
Wilke, Christiane
Wilkes, Julia
Willems, Diana
Willer, Ralf
Willms, Christoph
Windgätter, Oliver
Winfree, L. Thomas
Winskowski, Philipp
Wise, Edward M.
Wittig, Petra
Wittmann, Chiara
Wittmann, Rebecca
Wolckenhaar, Leonard
Wolf, Anne-Katrin
Wolf, Sebastian
Wolfe, Nancy Travis
Wolff, Franziska
Wolhuter, Lorraine
Wong, Christoffer
Wright, Richard W.
Wronka, Christoph
Wuerth, Andrea
Wutz, M. C.
Wörner, Hannah
Wörner, Liane
Wössner, Gunda
Yakovleva, Olga
Yang, Tse-Chuan
Yngborn, Annalena
Yong, Gao
Youngs, Raymond
Yurdakul, Gökçe
Zaunseder, Anne-Sophie
Zech, Louisa
Zedner, Lucia
Zeller, Michael C.
Zerhouni, Oulmann
Zesch, Torsten
Zhang, Ting
Zichler, Anna
Ziegler, Katja S.
Zila, Josef
Zimmermann, Frank
Zimmermann, Johannes
Zimmermann, Milan
Zimmermann, Till
Zoppei, Verena
Zucker, Julia
Zufall, Frederike
Zwick, Anna
Zwießler, Franziska
Zöhner, Malgorzata
Zöller, Verena
de Maillard, Jacques
du Bois-Pedain, Antje
van Genugten, Jesse
van Zyl Smit, Dirk
van der Helm, Peer
van der Wolf, Michiel
Özvatan, Özgür
Üblacker, Jan
Open Access (217)
Reference type filter
Journal Article (726)
Contribution (433)
Book (61)
Internet Document (9)
Thesis (7)
Unpublished Work (4)
Page 6 of 7
92 of 1237 Publications
Sort by year (descending)
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Day fines in Germany
Albrecht, Hans-Jörg
In: Faure, Michael; Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, Elena (Eds.),
Day fines in Europe. Assessing income-based sanctions in criminal justice systems
, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 85-121
Sentences (122)
Criminal policy (93)
Sanctions, Criminal (77)
Judicial statistics (35)
Recidivism (33)
Penology (33)
The criminal registry in the German Empire: the ‘cult of previous convictions’ and the offender’s right to be forgotten // The Criminal Registry in the German Empire: The ‘Cult of Previous Convictions’ and the Offender’s Right to Be Forgotten
Journal Article
Groot, Timon
In: German History, 39(3), pp. 358-376
Legal history (146)
Criminal policy (93)
Right of privacy (31)
Records (6)
Open Access
Cartel behaviour and efficient sanctioning by criminal sentences
Journal Article
Wein, Thomas
In: European Competition Journal, 17(2), pp. 309-352
Sanctions, Criminal (77)
Punishment, Purposes of (65)
Sanctions, Administrative (34)
Punishment, Proportionality of (10)
Antitrust and restraint of competition (6)
Law and economics (1)
Argumentation and legal interpretation in the criminal decisions of the Polish Supreme Court and the German Federal Court of Justice: a comparative view // Argumentation and Legal Interpretation in the Criminal Decisions of the Polish Supreme Court and the German Federal Court of Justice: A Comparative View
Journal Article
Małolepszy, Maciej
Głuchowski, Michał
In: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, pp. 1-19
Comparative law (254)
Judgments (69)
Judicial process (12)
Interpretation and construction (8)
Legal positivism (6)
Judge-made law (5)
Developments in German criminal law: speed merchant or murderer? The Ku’Damm road race case and the new criminal legislation regulating illegal motor racing
Journal Article
Davaanyam, Khulan
Wolff, Franziska
Khalaf, Ranya
In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 288-302
Law reform (124)
Sentences (122)
Judgments (69)
Offenses against the person (59)
Criminal intent (50)
Homicide (38)
Traffic violations (9)
Administrative offenses (6)
Traffic accidents (2)
Open Access
Formalism versus pragmatism – a comparative legal and empirical analysis of the German and Dutch criminal justice systems with regard to effectiveness and efficiency
Journal Article
Hofmann, Robin
In: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 28(4), pp. 452-478
Comparative law (254)
Criminal procedure (233)
Sentences (122)
Sanctions, Criminal (77)
Evidence: criminal law (73)
Prosecuting and public attorney (43)
Judicial statistics (35)
Sociology (33)
Criminal statistics (29)
Judiciary (21)
Administration of justice (18)
Open Access
Developments in German criminal law: the urgent issues regarding prolonged pre-trial detention in Germany
Journal Article
Jung, Sina
Petrick, Carolin
Schiller, Eva Maria
Münster, Lukas
In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 303-314
Criminal procedure (233)
Judgments (69)
Arrest, detention and bail (59)
Courts (27)
Liberty (9)
Open Access
Powers of the prosecutor in criminal investigation. A comparative perspective
Kremens, Karolina
ISBN 9780367862947, Routledge, New York
Comparative law (254)
Criminal procedure (233)
Police (89)
Withdrawal of prosecution and plea bargaining (88)
Criminal investigation (65)
Prosecuting and public attorney (43)
Principles of German criminal procedure
Bohlander, Michael
ISBN 9781509935338, Hart Publishing, Oxford
Criminal procedure (233)
Sentences (122)
Evidence: criminal law (73)
Judgments (69)
Criminal investigation (65)
Criminal law: constitutional aspects (47)
Due process of law (39)
Courts (27)
Trial practice (11)
Appeal (7)
Corporate complicity in international crimes through arms supplies despite national authorisations?
Journal Article
Ambos, Kai
In: International Criminal Law Review, 21(1), pp. 181-201
Human rights (65)
International criminal law (60)
Corporations: criminal liability (34)
Treaties (32)
National security (19)
International Criminal Court (ICC) (16)
Causation (14)
Corporate responsibility (7)
Weapons (2)
International trade (2)
Soft law (1)
Confiscation of assets and proceeds of crime in environmental criminal law – new approaches by the German legislator
Esser, Robert
In: Jacometti, Valentina; Pozzo, Barbara (Eds.),
Environmental loss and damage in a comparative law perspective
, Intersentia, Cambridge, (European Environmental Law Forum Series, Volume 6), pp. 209-227
Sanctions, Criminal (77)
European Union and national law (relationship) (51)
Corporations: criminal liability (34)
European Law: general (26)
Environmental crimes and offenses (10)
A framework theory of punishment
Internet Document
Hörnle, Tatjana
Criminal law: theory (164)
Victims (93)
Punishment, Purposes of (65)
Punishment, Theories of (20)
Criminal law: philosophy (11)
Human Trafficking - Germany
Stamatel, Janet P.
In: Stamatel, Janet P. (Eds.),
Examining crime and justice around the world
, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, (Global viewpoints, ), pp. 139-142
Offenses against the person (59)
Sexual offenses (58)
Women (38)
Organized crime (36)
Criminal statistics (29)
The relationship between culture and tax evasion across countries: cases of the USA and Germany
Journal Article
Ermasova, Natalia
Haumann, Christian
Burke, Laura
In: International Journal of Public Administration, 44(2), pp. 115-131
Sociology (33)
Taxation: avoidance and evasion (5)
Taxation: procedure and enforcement (3)
Between taxes, criminal law and health care: the fight against illicit tobacco trade in Germany
Engelhart, Marc
In: Nowak, Celina (Eds.),
Combatting illicit trade on the EU border
, Springer, Cham, pp. 29-80
Criminal law (142)
Economic crimes and offenses (51)
Organized crime (36)
Sanctions, Administrative (34)
Border guards (6)
Taxation: avoidance and evasion (5)
Taxation: procedure and enforcement (3)
Commerce (3)
Tobacco (2)
Open Access
Page 6 of 7
92 of 1237 Publications