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  • 6 of 1237 Publications

  1. The development of German criminal law against corruption in the private sector Contribution
    Dannecker, Gerhard (2023)
    In: Dannecker, Gerhard; Dölling, Dieter; Hermann, Dieter; Höly, Kristina; Mitra, Subrata; Pohlmann, Markus; Trombini, Maria (Eds.), Organizational crime, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, (Organization, management and crime - Organisation, Management und Kriminalität, ), pp. 93-122
  2. Criminal compliance in the context of competition law in Germany Contribution
    Rosenau, Henning (2014)
    In: Rosenau, Henning; Tang Van, Nghia (Eds.), Economic competition regime. Raising issues and lessons from Germany ; contributions to Vietnamese-German symposia, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Schriften des Augsburg Center for Global Economic Law and Regulation, 64), pp. 79-96
  3. Hiding a cartel's traces - a criminal offence? A comparative review of liability for obstruction of justice under German, French and US Law Journal Article
    Willer, Ralf (2014)
    In: Competition Law International, 10(2), pp. 179-199
  4. Administrative penalties in the Rechtsstaat. On the emergence of the Ordnungswidrigkeit sanctioning system in post-war Germany Journal Article
    Ohana, Daniel (2014)
    In: University of Toronto Law Journal, 64(2), pp. 243-290
  5. Criminal law vs. competition law, or the interaction between branches of law in Hungarian and German cartel law Journal Article
    Kaszas, Keryne; Roxan, Agnes (2011)
    In: Studia Iuridica Auctoritate Universitatis Pecs Publicata, pp. 125-140

  • 6 of 1237 Publications