
Reference type filter

  1. Policing morality: Constitutional law and the criminalization of incest Journal Article
    Dubber, Markus D. (2011)
    In: University of Toronto Law Journal, 61(4), pp. 737-759
  2. Judicial rehabilitation in Germany - The use of criminal records and the removal of recorded convictions Journal Article
    Morgenstern, Christine (2011)
    In: European Journal of Probation, 3(1), pp. 20-35
  3. The problems and limits of fair credibility assessment in German criminal law. Discussion about systematization and improvement of the procedure of credibility assessment Journal Article
    Zöhner, Malgorzata (2011)
    In: Internal Security, 3(2), pp. 105-130
  4. Legal admissibility of suitable fMRI based lie detection evidence in German criminal courts Contribution
    Seiterle, Stefan (2011)
    In: Klaming, Laura; van Berg, Bibi (Eds.), Technologies on the stand. Legal and ethical questions in neuroscience and robotics, Wolf, Nijmegen, pp. 70-93
  5. Guarantee of the accused person's right to defense counsel. A comparative study of Vietnamese, German and American criminal procedure law Thesis
    Luong Thi, My Quynh (2011)

  6. German practice regarding enforcement of sentences passed by international criminal courts and tribunals Journal Article
    Elberling, Björn (2011)
    In: German Yearbook of International Law, pp. 665-670
  7. Exploring sources of punitiveness among German citizens Journal Article
    Cochran, Joshua C.; Piquero, Alex R. (2011)
    In: Crime & Delinquency, 57(4), pp. 544-571
  8. The political economy of the environmental criminal justice system: a production function approach Journal Article
    Almer, Christian; Goeschl, Timo (2011)
    In: Public Choice, 148(3-4), pp. 611-630
  9. The punishment of gene doping - the relation between WADA prohibited lists, German medicinal products act, German doping agents amounts ordinance, and basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany Journal Article
    Parzeller, Markus (2011)
    In: Drug testing and analysis, 3(10), pp. 688-94
  10. Sanctions for attorney misconduct in relation to a client under Lithuanian and German Law Journal Article
    Gruodytė, Edita; Kirchner, Stefan (2011)
    In: Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 4(2), pp. 24-51
  11. Juvenile law and recidivism in Germany - new evidence from the old continent Journal Article
    Pichler, Stefan; Roemer, Daniel (2011)
    In: University of Heidelberg - Discussion Paper Series, pp. 1-47
  12. Evidentiary barriers to conviction in cases of domestic violence: comparative analysis of Scottish and German criminal procedure Journal Article
    Wutz, M. C. (2011)
    In: Aberdeen Student Law Review, pp. 76-98
  13. Corporate criminal liability in Germany Contribution
    Böse, Martin (2011)
    In: Ivory, Radha; Pieth, Mark (Eds.), Corporate criminal liability. Emergence, convergence, and risk, Springer, Dordrecht, (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 9), pp. 227-254
  14. Criminal law vs. competition law, or the interaction between branches of law in Hungarian and German cartel law Journal Article
    Kaszas, Keryne; Roxan, Agnes (2011)
    In: Studia Iuridica Auctoritate Universitatis Pecs Publicata, pp. 125-140