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  1. Legality, non-arbitraryness and judicial and administrative discretion in sentencing and enforcement of sentences in the German system Contribution
    Haverkamp, Rita; Kaspar, Johannes (2024)
    In: Guzman Dalbora, José; Krabbe, Maartje; van Kempen, Piet (Eds.), Legality and other requirements for sentencing: An international and comparative perspective on non-arbitrary punishment and sentencing discretion, Boom Uitgevers, The Hague, pp. 223-246
  2. Exploring gender disparities in the prosecution of theft cases: Propensity score matching on data from German court files Journal Article
    Leuschner, Fredericke (2023)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 20(1), pp. 292-315
  3. Cooperation agreements in Germany and the United States Contribution
    Ambos, Kai; Thaman, Stephen C. (2022)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 300-346
  4. Leniency programs – a model to cope with the past? Contribution
    Eisele, Jörg (2020)
    In: Eisele, Jörg (Eds.), Past and future. Transitional justice versus traditional criminal justice? : Ways of dealing with past conflicts and past autocracies, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Beiträge zum Strafrecht - Contributions to Criminal Law, ), pp. 85-98
  5. The struggle for apposite sentencing Contribution
    Kudlich, Hans; Koch, Jennifer (2020)
    In: Ambos, Kai (Eds.), Strafzumessung / Sentencing. Angloamerikanische und deutsche Einblicke / Anglo-American and German insights, Göttingen University Press, Göttingen, (Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften/Göttingen studies in criminal law and criminal justice, Band/volume 38), pp. 353-363
    Open Access
  6. Sentencing guidelines vs. free judicial discretion - is German sentencing law in need of reform? Contribution
    Kaspar, Johannes (2020)
    In: Ambos, Kai (Eds.), Strafzumessung / Sentencing. Angloamerikanische und deutsche Einblicke / Anglo-American and German insights, Göttingen University Press, Göttingen, (Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften/Göttingen studies in criminal law and criminal justice, Band/volume 38), pp. 337-352
    Open Access
  7. Criminal sentencing in Canada and Germany: law without order? A commentary from a German perspective Contribution
    Grosse-Wilde, Thomas (2020)
    In: Ambos, Kai (Eds.), Strafzumessung / Sentencing. Angloamerikanische und deutsche Einblicke / Anglo-American and German insights, Göttingen University Press, Göttingen, (Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften/Göttingen studies in criminal law and criminal justice, Band/volume 38), pp. 279-299
    Open Access
  8. Legal responses and sentencing in murder cases – a comparison of law and judicial reactions in India and Germany Journal Article
    Chattoraj, Paromita; Meier, Bernd-Dieter (2018)
    In: Criminal Law Forum, 29(1), pp. 121-155
  9. Sentencing, judicial discretion, and political prisoners in pre-war Nazi Germany Journal Article
    Geerling, Wayne; Magee, Gary B.; Smyth, Russell (2016)
    In: The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 46(4), pp. 517-542
  10. Dominant court decision-making: Germany. Conditional release in Germany - Who decides? And who really does? Contribution
    Morgenstern, Christine (2014)
    In: Herzog-Evans, Martine (Eds.), Offender release and supervision. The role of courts and the use of discretion, Wolf Legal Publishers, Oisterwijk, pp. 109-135
  11. Serious juvenile crime in Nazi Germany Contribution
    Waite, Robert G. (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 247-269