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  1. Assault and battery, or legitimate treatment? German legal debates on the status of medical interventions without consent, c. 1890-1914 Journal Article
    Maehle, Andreas-Holger (2000)
    In: Gesnerus, 57(3-4), pp. 206-221
  2. "Sanctity" and "quality" of life : an historical review from a German perspective Journal Article
    Eser, Albin (2000)
    In: Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, pp. 11-22
  3. Inventing the criminal. A history of German criminology, 1880-1945 Book
    Wetzell, Richard F. (2000)
    ISBN 9780807825358, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill
  4. Reparation in the German criminal justice system. What is, and what remains to be done Journal Article
    Walther, Susanne (2000)
    In: International Review of Victimology, 7(4), pp. 265-280
  5. Legal reforms : Changing the law in Germany in Ancien Régime and in the Vormärz Journal Article
    Klippel, Diethelm (1999)
    In: Proceedings of the British Academy, pp. 43-59
  6. The decline of correctional education, ca. 1900-1920 - England and Germany compared Journal Article
    Oberwittler, Dietrich (1999)
    In: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 7(1), pp. 22-40
  7. Jews in the criminal-justice system of early modern Germany Journal Article
    Boes, Maria R. (1999)
    In: The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 30(3), pp. 407-435
  8. Return of the past: The policy of the SED and the laws against homosexuality in Eastern Germany between 1946 and 1968 Journal Article
    Grau, Günter (1999)
    In: Journal of homosexuality, 37(4), pp. 1-21
  9. Criminal-biological theory, discourse, and practice in Germany, 1918-1945 Book
    Liang, Oliver (1999)
    The Johns Hopkins University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, Ann Arbor
  10. Restitution and offender-victim arrangement in German criminal law. Development and theoretical implications Journal Article
    Frehsee, Detlev (1999)
    In: Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 3(1), pp. 235-259
  11. The medicalization of criminal law reform in imperial Germany Contribution
    Wetzell, Richard F. (1997)
    In: Finzsch, Norbert; Jütte, Robert (Eds.), Institutions of confinement: Hospitals, asylums, and prisons in Western Europe and North America, 1500–1950, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (Publications of the German Historical Institute, )
  12. The importance of comparative legal research for the development of criminal sciences Contribution
    Eser, Albin (1997)
    In: Blanpain, Roger (Eds.), Law in motion. Recent developments in civil procedure, constitutional, contract, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, (International encyclopaedia of laws, ), pp. 492-517
  13. Rituals of retribution. Capital punishment in Germany 1600 - 1987 Book
    Evans, Richard J. (1996)
    ISBN 198219687, Oxford University Press, Oxford