
Reference type filter

  1. Sentencing in Germany: basic questions and new developments Journal Article
    Streng, Franz (2007)
    In: German Law Journal, 8(2), pp. 153-171
  2. The nature and rationale of punishment Journal Article
    Eser, Albin (2007)
    In: Cardozo Law Review, 28(6), pp. 2427-2436
  3. "Humane" criminal justice in the age of europeanisation and globalisation Contribution
    Eser, Albin (2005)
    In: Irk, Ferenc (Eds.), Systems and developments of penal sanctions in Western and Central Europe. The Third German-Hungarian Colloquium on Penal Law and Criminology, Bíbor Kiadó, Miskolc, pp. 107-131
  4. The role of capacity in the adjudication and punishment of youthful offenders in Germany and the United States. A legal comparison Contribution
    Silverman, Emily (2003)
    In: Krakau, Knud; Streng, Franz (Eds.), Konflikt der Rechtskulturen? Die USA und Deutschland im Vergleich, Winter, Heidelberg, (Publikationen der Bayerischen Amerika-Akademie, 3), pp. 135-151
  5. Socioeconomic and demographic factors of crime in Germany Journal Article
    Entorf, Horst; Spengler, Hannes (2000)
    In: International Review of Law and Economics, 20(1), pp. 75-106
  6. Distribution of punishment. The role of a victim’s perspective Journal Article
    Hörnle, Tatjana (1999)
    In: Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 3(1), pp. 175-209
  7. Restitution and offender-victim arrangement in German criminal law. Development and theoretical implications Journal Article
    Frehsee, Detlev (1999)
    In: Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 3(1), pp. 235-259
  8. The medicalization of criminal law reform in imperial Germany Contribution
    Wetzell, Richard F. (1997)
    In: Finzsch, Norbert; Jütte, Robert (Eds.), Institutions of confinement: Hospitals, asylums, and prisons in Western Europe and North America, 1500–1950, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (Publications of the German Historical Institute, )
  9. Dangerous criminal offenders in the German criminal justice system. Sex offender sentencing and treatment Journal Article
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (1997)
    In: Federal Sentencing Reporter, 10(2), pp. 69-73
  10. The incompatibility of treatment and punishment Contribution
    Frehsee, Detlev (1995)
    In: Albrecht, Günter (Eds.), Diversion and informal social control, De Gruyter, Berlin, (Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence, 17), pp. 369-384
  11. Sentencing in the Federal Republic of Germany Journal Article
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (1995)
    In: Federal Sentencing Reporter, 7(6), pp. 305-307