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  • 9 of 1237 Publications

  1. Comparative law as a basis for the reform of criminal procedure Journal Article
    Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich (1976)
    In: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, 9(2), pp. 199-210
  2. The doctrine of mens rea in German criminal law - Its historical background and present state Journal Article
    Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich (1975)
    In: Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, 8(1), pp. 112-120
  3. Modern criminal policy in the FRG and the GDR Contribution
    Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich (1974)
    In: Hood, Roger (Eds.), Crime, criminology and public policy. Essays in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz, Heinemann, London, pp. 509-525
  4. Germany Contribution
    Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich (1966)
    In: Coutts, John (Eds.), The accused. A comparative study, Stevens, London, (British Institute Studies in international and comparative law, 3), pp. 246-256

  • 9 of 1237 Publications