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  1. From Marx to Majewski: a review of the law on voluntary intoxication in the former German Democratic Republic Contribution
    Bohlander, Michael (2015)
    In: Livings, Ben; Reed, Alan; Wake, Nicola (Eds.), Mental condition defences and the criminal justice system. Perspectives from law and medicine, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 275-294
  2. Perfection of the trends in juvenile justice systems : on the basis of comparison of German, Georgian and the U.S. juvenile law Journal Article
    Heinrich, Bernd; Kherkheulidze, Irene (2014)
    In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, 9(12), pp. 610-621
  3. Vengeance revisited Contribution
    Jung, Heike (2014)
    In: Ulväng, Magnus (Eds.), Essays on criminalisation and sanctions, Iustus Förlag, Uppsala, pp. 9-22
  4. Germany: balancing truth against protected constitutional interests Contribution
    Gless, Sabine (2013)
    In: Thaman, Stephen (Eds.), Exclusionary Rules in Comparative Law, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 113-142
  5. The comparative history and theory of corporate criminal liability Journal Article
    Dubber, Markus D. (2013)
    In: New Criminal Law Review, 16(2), pp. 203-240
  6. The concept and reality of ‘organised crime’ in Germany and the USA Contribution
    Lampe, Klaus (2012)
    In: Robertson-von Trotha, Caroline (Eds.), Organised crime, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 25-36
  7. A judge by another name? Comparative perspectives on the role of the public prosecutor Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2012)
    In: Luna, Erik (Eds.), The prosecutor in transnational perspective, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 377-391
  8. Comparative pragmatism Journal Article
    Rebouché, Rachel (2012)
    In: Maryland Law Review, 72(1), pp. 85-154
  9. Guarantee of the accused person's right to defense counsel. A comparative study of Vietnamese, German and American criminal procedure law Thesis
    Luong Thi, My Quynh (2011)

  10. Sanctions for attorney misconduct in relation to a client under Lithuanian and German Law Journal Article
    Gruodytė, Edita; Kirchner, Stefan (2011)
    In: Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 4(2), pp. 24-51
  11. Evidentiary barriers to conviction in cases of domestic violence: comparative analysis of Scottish and German criminal procedure Journal Article
    Wutz, M. C. (2011)
    In: Aberdeen Student Law Review, pp. 76-98
  12. Criminal law vs. competition law, or the interaction between branches of law in Hungarian and German cartel law Journal Article
    Kaszas, Keryne; Roxan, Agnes (2011)
    In: Studia Iuridica Auctoritate Universitatis Pecs Publicata, pp. 125-140