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  1. Comment: the legalization of cannabis in Germany Contribution
    Kaspar, Johannes (2020)
    In: Hugo, Charl; Möllers, Thomas (Eds.), Legal certainty and fundamental rights. A cross-disciplinary approach to constitutional principles in German and South African law, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Augsburger Rechtsstudien, 89), pp. 239-256
  2. Comment: legal certainty and human rights in the European legal order – the treatment of preventive detention in the German Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights Contribution
    Sandhu, Aqilah (2020)
    In: Hugo, Charl; Möllers, Thomas (Eds.), Legal certainty and fundamental rights. A cross-disciplinary approach to constitutional principles in German and South African law, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Augsburger Rechtsstudien, 89), pp. 135-156
  3. Characteristics of crimes against the interests of service in commercial and other organisations in Russia and Germany Journal Article
    Markuntsov, Sergey; Wassmer, Martin Paul (2020)
    In: Russian Law Journal, 8(4), pp. 140-152
  4. About the criminal liability of wives for adultery: a classic example of oppressing women. Reflections on legal history. Pre-state societies, the code of Hammurabi with sumerian precursors, and Germanic law Contribution
    Krey, Volker (2020)
    In: Decken, Kerstin; Günzel, Angelika (Eds.), Staat – Religion – Recht, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 63-90
  5. Legal prostitution systems in Europe Contribution
    Weitzer, Ronald (2020)
    In: Nelen, Hans; Siegel, Dina (Eds.), Contemporary organized crime. Developments, challenges and responses, Springer, Cham, (Studies Of Organized Crime, ), pp. 47-66
  6. Should criminal law protect against religious defamation? Some reflections on the applicability of sec. 166 of the German criminal code and the current situation in Germany Contribution
    Esser, Robert (2020)
    In: Ehlers, Dirk; Glaser, Henning (Eds.), State and religion. Between conflict and cooperation, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (CPG Series of Comparative Constitutional Law, Politics and Governance, ), pp. 223-244
  7. Criminal recidivism after imprisonment among sex offenders and violent offenders: a comparison between self-reported and officially recorded reoffending behavior Journal Article
    Wössner, Gunda; Hefner, Franziska (2020)
    In: Criminology - The Online Journal, pp. 264-282
  8. Historical development of leniency programs in Germany Contribution
    Heinrich, Bernd (2020)
    In: Eisele, Jörg (Eds.), Past and future. Transitional justice versus traditional criminal justice? : Ways of dealing with past conflicts and past autocracies, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Beiträge zum Strafrecht - Contributions to Criminal Law, ), pp. 111-130
  9. Traditional legal instruments: Germany and the prosecution of national socialist crimes Contribution
    Rommel, Jens (2020)
    In: Eisele, Jörg (Eds.), Past and future. Transitional justice versus traditional criminal justice? : Ways of dealing with past conflicts and past autocracies, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Beiträge zum Strafrecht - Contributions to Criminal Law, ), pp. 23-36
  10. The development of the German criminal law of evidence 1750-1879 Contribution
    Bloemberg, Ronnie (2020)
    In: Bloemberg, Ronnie (Eds.), The development of the criminal law of evidence in the Netherlands, France, and Germany between 1750 and 1870. From the system of legal proofs to the free evaluation of the evidence, Brill Nijhoff, Leiden, (Legal history library, 32), pp. 177-246
  11. Pre-trial procedure in Germany Contribution
    Möller, Uriel (2020)
    In: Erbaş, Rahime; Jasinski, Daniel; Johnston, Edward (Eds.), A comparative analysis of pre-trial procedure in Europe. The search for an ideal model, Istanbul University Press, Istanbul, pp. 87-107
  12. A close look at the German and Australian Anti-FGM framework-concerns. About equal protection and equal application Journal Article
    Braun, Kerstin; Böse, Martin (2020)
    In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, 15(12), pp. 566-583
    Open Access