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  1. The public prosecution's role in criminal proceedings under the rule of law. Legal situation in Germany with comparative law remarks on UK and USA Book
    Krey, Volker (2009)
    Institut für Rechtspolitik an der Universität Trier, Trier
  2. Interview with Federal Constitutional Court Vice President, Justice, Professor Winfried Hassemer – “The state is no longer the Leviathan” Journal Article
    Müller, Reinhard (2004)
    In: German Law Journal, 5(5), pp. 603-607
  3. I didn't know what Auschwitz was: The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial and the German press, 1963-1965 Journal Article
    Pendas, Devin O. (2000)
    In: Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities, 12(2), pp. 397-446
  4. Characteristic features of german criminal proceedings. An alternative to the criminal procedure law of the United States? Journal Article
    Krey, Volker (1999)
    In: Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal, 21(4), pp. 591-605