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  1. Hitler's prisons. Legal terror in Nazi Germany Book
    Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2004)
    ISBN 9780300102505, Yale University Press, New Haven
  2. Concepts of intention in German law Journal Article
    Taylor, Greg (2004)
    In: Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 24(1), pp. 99-127
  3. Religion, historical contingencies, and institutional conditions of criminal punishment. The German case and beyond Journal Article
    Savelsberg, Joachim J. (2004)
    In: Law and Social Inquiry, 29(2), pp. 373-402
  4. Reforms of the German Criminal Code -Stock-taking and perspectives - Also from a constitutional point of view Journal Article
    Krehl, Christoph (2003)
    In: German Law Journal, 4(5), pp. 421-431
  5. The renaissance of the victim in criminal policy Contribution
    Jung, Heike (2003)
    In: Ashworth, Andrew; Zedner, Lucia (Eds.), The criminological foundations of penal policy. Essays in honour of Roger Hood, Oxford University Press, Oxford, (Clarendon studies in criminology, ), pp. 443-462
  6. The role of capacity in the adjudication and punishment of youthful offenders in Germany and the United States. A legal comparison Contribution
    Silverman, Emily (2003)
    In: Krakau, Knud; Streng, Franz (Eds.), Konflikt der Rechtskulturen? Die USA und Deutschland im Vergleich, Winter, Heidelberg, (Publikationen der Bayerischen Amerika-Akademie, 3), pp. 135-151
  7. The criminal responsibility of children and young persons. A comparison of English and German law Book
    Crofts, Thomas (2002)
    ISBN 754622657, Ashgate, Aldershot
  8. Drug policies in the Federal Republic of Germany. Development, trends, and influences from North America Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2001)
    In: Gerber, Jurg; Jensen, Eric (Eds.), Drug war, American style. The internationalization of failed policy and its alternatives, Routledge, New York [u.a.]
  9. Sentencing and punishment in Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2001)
    In: Frase, Richard; Tonry, Michael (Eds.), Sentencing and sanctions in western countries, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 188-221
  10. Not a process of enlightenment. The conceptual history of organized crime in Germany and the United States of America Journal Article
    Lampe, Klaus (2001)
    In: Forum on Crime and Society, pp. 99-116
  11. Enlightened criminal policy or the struggle against evil Journal Article
    Lüderssen, Klaus (2000)
    In: Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 3(2), pp. 687-700
  12. The body as battleground: Images of the German abortion debate Contribution
    Wuerth, Andrea; Monger, Janice (2000)
    In: Baackmann, Susanne; Sy-Quia, Hilary (Eds.), Conquering women. Women and war in the German cultural imagination, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, pp. 12-39