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  1. The incapacitation of the dangerous offender: criminal policy and legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2012)
    In: Duker, Marius; Malsch, Marijke (Eds.), Incapacitation. Trends and new perspectives, Routledge, Ashgate, pp. 39-61
  2. German practice regarding enforcement of sentences passed by international criminal courts and tribunals Journal Article
    Elberling, Björn (2011)
    In: German Yearbook of International Law, pp. 665-670
  3. A graduated punishment approach to environmental crimes. Beyond vindication of administrative authority in the United States and Europe Journal Article
    Mandiberg, Susan F.; Faure, Michael G. (2009)
    In: Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, 34(2), pp. 447-511
  4. Implementing the prohibition of torture on three levels. The United Nations, the Council of Europe, and Germany Journal Article
    Herrmann, Joachim (2008)
    In: Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 31(1), pp. 437-459
  5. Organised crime policies in Germany Contribution
    Kilchling, Michael (2004)
    In: Fijnaut, Cyrille; Paoli, Letizia (Eds.), Organised crime in Europe. Concepts, patterns and control policies in the European Union and beyond, Springer, Dordrecht, (Studies Of Organized Crime, 4), pp. 717-762
  6. Post-adjudication dispositions in comparative perspective Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2001)
    In: Frase, Richard; Tonry, Michael (Eds.), Sentencing and sanctions in western countries, Oxford University Press, Oxford
  7. Sentencing and punishment in Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2001)
    In: Frase, Richard; Tonry, Michael (Eds.), Sentencing and sanctions in western countries, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 188-221
  8. Continuing payment on one’s debt to society. The German model of felon disenfranchisement as an alternative Journal Article
    Demleitner, Nora V. (2000)
    In: Minnesota Law Review, 84(4), pp. 753-804