
Publication type

  1. The new German law on sexual assault Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2023)
    In: Hörnle, Tatjana (Eds.), Sexual assault. Law reform in a comparative perspective, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 141-162
  2. The German system Contribution
    Governa, Jacopo (2023)
    In: Governa, Jacopo (Eds.), Rethinking the prosecutor's discretion at the International Criminal Court. Substantive limitations and judicial control, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Beiträge zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht - Studies in International and European Criminal Law and Procedure, 52)
  3. Consent in criminal law Contribution
    Gur-Arye, Miriam (2023)
    In: Husa, Jaakko; Smits, Jan; Valcke, Catherine (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of comparative law, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham
  4. Policing the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Challenges and learnings for future crises Contribution
    Aden, Hartmut (2023)
    In: Bervoets, Eric; Boer, Monica; Hak, Linda (Eds.), Plural policing, security and the COVID crisis, Springer International Publishing, Cham, (Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies, ), pp. 139-160
  5. Does empathy attenuate the criminogenic effect of low self-control in late life? Journal Article
    Hirtenlehner, Helmut ; Trivedi-Bateman, Neema ; Baier, Dirk ; Strohmeier, Dagmar (2023)
    In: International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 47(1), pp. 57-77
  6. Digital equipment – a game changer for police training?! Experiences of the Bavarian Police training Journal Article
    Fuchs, Micha (2023)
    In: Police Practice and Research, 24(1), pp. 72-89
  7. Strengths and weaknesses of the judicial protection in Germany Contribution
    Graebsch, Christine (2023)
    In: Cliquennois, Gaëtan (Eds.), The evolving protection of prisoners' rights in Europe, Routledge, Abingdon, (Routledge frontiers of criminal justice, ), pp. 98-110
  8. Attempting the impossible: Impossibility in criminal law theory and the constructivist discourse-theoretical concept of law Journal Article
    Behrendt, Svenja (2023)
    In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft, pp. 20-32
  9. Holding down the fort. Policing communities and community-oriented policing in rural Germany Book
    Bielejewski, Aaron (2023)
    ISBN 9783658397722, Springer VS, Wiesbaden
  10. Judicial law-making in the criminal decisions of the Polish Supreme Court and the German Federal Court of Justice: A comparative view Journal Article
    Małolepszy, Maciej ; Głuchowski, Michał (2023)
    In: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique
  11. In their own hands: Young people and self-justice retaliation in Germany Journal Article
    Schwarzenbach, Anina ; Tankebe, Justice ; Oberwittler, Dietrich (2023)
    In: Crime & Delinquency, 69(1), pp. 121-151
  12. The impact of domestic surveillance on political imprisonment: Evidence from the German Democratic Republic Journal Article
    Steinert, Christoph Valentin (2023)
    In: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 67(1), pp. 38-65