
Publication type

  1. Dimensions of punitiveness in Germany Journal Article
    Kury, Helmut ; Brandenstein, Martin ; Obergfell-Fuchs, Joachim (2009)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 15(1-2), pp. 63-81
  2. Crime and criminal justice history in Germany. A report on recent trends Journal Article
    Reinke, Herbert (2009)
    In: Crime, Histoire & Sociétés, 13(1), pp. 117-137
  3. The perception of the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters in Germany Contribution
    Wahl, Thomas (2009)
    In: Surano, Laura; Weyembergh, Anne; van Vernimmen-Tiggelen, Gisèle (Eds.), The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union, Ed. de l'Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, (Series "Etudes européennes", ), pp. 115-146
    Open Access
  4. The German public prosecutor's office: a political marionette? A need for independence! Contribution
    Pfoertner, Klaus (2009)
    In: Albrecht, Peter-Alexis; Thomas, Sir John (Eds.), Strengthen the judiciary's independence in Europe! International recommendations for an independent judicial power, Berliner Wiss.-Verl., Berlin, pp. 151-157
  5. Plea bargaining in Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2009)
    In: Horovitz, Anat; Kremnitzer, Mordechai (Eds.), Current trends in criminal procedure and evidence. A collection of essays in honor of Professor Eliahu Harnon, The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law. The Faculty of Law. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, pp. 265-288
  6. Criminality of organizations: lessons from domestic law : a comparative perspective Contribution
    Eser, Albin ; Rettenmaier, Felix (2009)
    In: Nollkaemper, André; van der Wilt, Harmen (Eds.), System criminality in international law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 222-237
  7. Risk and criminal law Contribution
    Dannecker, Gerhard (2009)
    In: Woodman, Gordon (Eds.), Risk and the law, Routledge-Cavendish, London, (A GlassHouse book, ), pp. 75-81
  8. Accountability for the torture memo. Prosecuting Guantanamo in Europe: can and shall the masterminds of the “torture memos” be held criminally responsible on the basis of universal jurisdiction? Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2009)
    In: Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 42(1/2), pp. 405-448
  9. Dolus eventualis and the Rome Statute without it? Journal Article
    Badar, Mohamed Elewa (2009)
    In: New Criminal Law Review, 12(3), pp. 433-467
  10. Principles of German criminal law Book
    Bohlander, Michael (2009)
    Vol. 2, ISBN 1841136301, Hart Publishing, Oxford
  11. Dangerousness, long prison terms, and preventive measures in Germany Journal Article
    Dessecker, Axel (2009)
    In: Champ pénal/Penal field, pp. 1-27
  12. The German hate crime concept. An account of the classification and registration of bias-motivated offences and the implementation of the hate crime model into Germany’s law enforcement system Journal Article
    Glet, Alke (2009)
    In: Internet Journal of Criminology, pp. 1-20
  13. Shooting down a hijacked airplane - the German discussion and beyond Journal Article
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2009)
    In: Criminal Law and Philosophy, 3(2), pp. 111-131
  14. German criminal procedure law. Vol. 1: Basics Book
    Krey, Volker (2009)
    ISBN 3170184091, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart
  15. A graduated punishment approach to environmental crimes. Beyond vindication of administrative authority in the United States and Europe Journal Article
    Mandiberg, Susan F.; Faure, Michael G. (2009)
    In: Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, 34(2), pp. 447-511