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  1. The incapacitation of the dangerous offender: criminal policy and legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2012)
    In: Duker, Marius; Malsch, Marijke (Eds.), Incapacitation. Trends and new perspectives, Routledge, Ashgate, pp. 39-61
  2. Sexual offenders in preventive detention: Data concerning the inmates and expert witness practice Journal Article
    Habermeyer, Elmar; Passow, Daniel; Puhlmann, Peter; Vohs, Knut; Herpertz, Sabine (2009)
    In: International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 53(4), pp. 373-384
  3. Bad or mad? Personality disorders and legal responsibility - The German situation Journal Article
    Kröber, Hans Ludwig; Lau, Steffen (2000)
    In: Behavioral sciences & the law, 18(5), pp. 679-690
  4. Dangerous criminal offenders in the German criminal justice system. Sex offender sentencing and treatment Journal Article
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (1997)
    In: Federal Sentencing Reporter, 10(2), pp. 69-73