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  1. Germany Contribution
    Ambos, Kai; Bock, Stefanie (2013)
    In: Bohlander, Michael; Reed, Alan (Eds.), Participation in crime. Domestic and comparative perspectives, Ashgate, Farnham [u.a.], (Substantive issues in criminal law, ), pp. 323-339
  2. The comparative history and theory of corporate criminal liability Journal Article
    Dubber, Markus D. (2013)
    In: New Criminal Law Review, 16(2), pp. 203-240
  3. Free will: necessary base for human dignity, responsibility, and criminal law? Contribution
    Beck, Susanne (2012)
    In: Hilgendorf, Eric; Joerden, Jan; Petrillo, Natalia; Thiele, Felix (Eds.), Menschenwürde in der Medizin: Quo vadis?, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden
  4. The fault element in the history of German criminal theory: with some general conclusions for the rules of imputation in a legal system Journal Article
    Toepel, Friedrich (2012)
    In: Criminal Law and Philosophy, 6(2), pp. 167-186
  5. Perpetration through an organization: the unexpected career of a German legal concept Journal Article
    Weigend, Thomas (2011)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 9(1), pp. 91-112
  6. The control theory of perpetration in international criminal law Journal Article
    Jain, Neha (2011)
    In: Chicago Journal of International Law, 12(1), pp. 159-200
  7. Societas delinquere non potest? A German perspective Journal Article
    Weigend, Thomas (2008)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 6(5), pp. 927-946
  8. Toward a universal system of crime: comments on George Fletcher’s grammar of criminal law Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2007)
    In: Cardozo Law Review, 28(6), pp. 2647-2673
  9. The concept of a joint criminal enterprise and domestic modes of liability for parties to a crime. A comparison of German and English Law Journal Article
    Hamdorf, Kai (2007)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 5(1), pp. 208-226
  10. Comparative criminal law Contribution
    Dubber, Markus D. (2006)
    In: Reimann, Mathias; Zimmermann, Reinhard (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of comparative law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1286-1326
  11. Bad torture - good torture? What international criminal lawyers may learn from the recent trial of police officers in Germany Journal Article
    Jessberger, Florian (2005)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 3(5), pp. 1059-1073