
Reference type filter

  1. Fundamental rights and the surveillance of telecommunications in Poland and Germany – So similar yet so different Contribution
    Muszyński, Jan (2017)
    In: Priesmeyer-Tkocz, Weronika (Eds.), Common values, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 83-112
  2. Constitutional limits on life imprisonment and post-sentence preventive detention in Germany Contribution
    Dessecker, Axel (2016)
    In: Appleton, Catherine; van Zyl Smit, Dirk (Eds.), Life imprisonment and human rights, Hart Publishing, Oxford, (Oñati international series in law and society, ), pp. 411-434
  3. The circumcision debate from a German constitutional perspective Journal Article
    Germann, Michael; Wackernagel, Clemens (2015)
    In: Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 4(3), pp. 442-468
  4. Secularization, anti-minority sentiment, and cultural norms in the German circumcision controversy Journal Article
    Munzer, Stephen (2015)
    In: University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, 37(2), pp. 503-582
  5. Law and religion in Germany: the case of circumcision of boys Contribution
    Breig, Burkhard (2014)
    In: Gerlach, Julia; Töpfer, Jochen (Eds.), The role of religion in Eastern Europe today, Springer VS, Berlin, pp. 83-94
  6. Theories of criminalization Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2014)
    In: Dubber, Markus; Hörnle, Tatjana (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of criminal law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 679-701
  7. Country report Germany Contribution
    Böse, Martin; Wahl, Thomas (2013)
    In: Albers, Pim; Beauvais, Pascal; Bohnert, Jean-François; Böse, Martin; Langbroek, Philip; Renier, Alain; Wahl, Thomas (Eds.), Towards a common evaluation framework to assess mutual trust in the field of EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Final report, Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, Den Haag
  8. Amtsgericht Köln (County Court of Cologne) Judgment no 528 Ds 30/11 and Landgericht Köln (District Court of Cologne) judgment no 151 Ns 169/11 Journal Article
    Bohlander, Michael (2013)
    In: Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 2(1), pp. 217-218
  9. 'From Strasbourg, with love'- preventive detention before the German Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights Journal Article
    Michaelsen, Christopher (2012)
    In: Human Rights Law Review, 12(1), pp. 148-167
  10. The reception of ECtHR decisions by German criminal courts - illustrated by means of the ECtHR judgment of 17 December 2009 on the German Law on Preventive Detention Journal Article
    Frommann, Maike (2012)
    In: Hanse Law Review, 8(1), pp. 81-99
  11. Policing morality: Constitutional law and the criminalization of incest Journal Article
    Dubber, Markus D. (2011)
    In: University of Toronto Law Journal, 61(4), pp. 737-759
  12. Basic rights and substantive criminal law: the incest case Journal Article
    Lagodny, Otto (2011)
    In: University of Toronto Law Journal, 61(4), pp. 761-781
  13. Regulating governmental data mining in the United States and Germany. Constitutional Courts, the state, and new technology Journal Article
    Schwartz, Paul M. (2011)
    In: William and Mary Law Review, 53(2), pp. 351-387