
Reference type filter

  1. Radbruch on the origins of the criminal law. Punitive interventions before sovereignty Contribution
    Hildebrandt, Mireille (2014)
    In: Dubber, Markus (Eds.), Foundational texts in modern criminal law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 219-238
  2. PJA von Feuerbach and his textbook of the Common Penal Law Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2014)
    In: Dubber, Markus (Eds.), Foundational texts in modern criminal law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 119-140
  3. Contradictions in German penal practices: the long goodbye from the rehabilitation principle Contribution
    Dollinger, Bernd; Kretschmann, Andrea (2013)
    In: Ruggiero, Vincenzo; Ryan, Mick (Eds.), Punishment in Europe. A critical anatomy of penal systems, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, (Palgrave studies in prisons and penology, ), pp. 132-156
  4. Expected recidivism among young offenders: comparing specific deterrence under juvenile and adult criminal law Journal Article
    Entorf, Horst (2012)
    In: European Journal of Political Economy, 28(4), pp. 414-429
  5. The incapacitation of the dangerous offender: criminal policy and legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2012)
    In: Duker, Marius; Malsch, Marijke (Eds.), Incapacitation. Trends and new perspectives, Routledge, Ashgate, pp. 39-61
  6. Judicial rehabilitation in Germany - The use of criminal records and the removal of recorded convictions Journal Article
    Morgenstern, Christine (2011)
    In: European Journal of Probation, 3(1), pp. 20-35
  7. Exploring sources of punitiveness among German citizens Journal Article
    Cochran, Joshua C.; Piquero, Alex R. (2011)
    In: Crime & Delinquency, 57(4), pp. 544-571
  8. Juvenile law and recidivism in Germany - new evidence from the old continent Journal Article
    Pichler, Stefan; Roemer, Daniel (2011)
    In: University of Heidelberg - Discussion Paper Series, pp. 1-47
  9. Perpetration through an organization: the unexpected career of a German legal concept Journal Article
    Weigend, Thomas (2011)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 9(1), pp. 91-112
  10. Punishing the attempt of a crime respecting traditional penal theories and dogmatics : a discussion from the viewpoint of German criminal law Contribution
    Wörner, Liane (2011)
    In: He, Bingsong (Eds.), New Philosophy of Crime and Punishment in the Era of Globalization = Quan qiu hua shi dai fan zui yu xing fa xin li nian, China Democracy and Legal Publishing House, Beijing, pp. 21-35
  11. Societas delinquere non potest? A German perspective Journal Article
    Weigend, Thomas (2008)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 6(5), pp. 927-946