
Publication type
  • 5 of 1168 Publications

  1. CJEU: Germany’s public prosecution authorities cannot be regarded as a “judicial authority” with regard to EAWs—the truth or a misconstrual of the legal reality? Journal Article
    Glaser, Sebastian ; Hartmann, Sarah (2022)
    In: German Law Journal, 23(4), pp. 650-660
  2. “L’État, c’est moi!” The defamation of foreign state leaders in times of globalized media and growing nationalism Journal Article
    Heinze, Alexander (2020)
    In: Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law, 9(1), pp. 33-67
  3. Could an independent judiciary be a counterbalance to the erosion of european principles of criminal law? Contribution
    Albrecht, Peter-Alexis (2018)
    In: Albrecht, Peter-Alexis (Eds.), Autonomie für eine dritte Gewalt in Europa / Autonomy for a third power in Europe. Transferaufgabe für aufgeklärte Gesellschaften der Vernunft / A transfer task for enlightened and rational European societies, BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin, (Schriftenreihe Gesellschaft versus Recht, ), pp. 159-173
  4. The Fujimori judgment: a president's responsibility for crimes against humanity as indirect perpetrator by virtue of an organized power apparatus Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2011)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 9(1), pp. 137-158
  5. Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2005)
    In: Tak, Peter (Eds.), Tasks and powers of the prosecution services in the EU member states. Vol. 2, Wolf, Nijmegen, pp. 859-875

  • 5 of 1168 Publications