
Publication type
  • 3 of 1168 Publications

  1. The German public prosecutor as (no) judicial authority within the meaning of the European arrest warrant: a case note on the CJEU’s judgment in OG (C-508/18) and PI (C 82/19 PPU) Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2019)
    In: New Journal of European Criminal Law, 10(4), pp. 399-407
  2. Could an independent judiciary be a counterbalance to the erosion of european principles of criminal law? Contribution
    Albrecht, Peter-Alexis (2018)
    In: Albrecht, Peter-Alexis (Eds.), Autonomie für eine dritte Gewalt in Europa / Autonomy for a third power in Europe. Transferaufgabe für aufgeklärte Gesellschaften der Vernunft / A transfer task for enlightened and rational European societies, BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin, (Schriftenreihe Gesellschaft versus Recht, ), pp. 159-173
  3. Images of judges – an intercultural comparison Journal Article
    Jung, Heike (2006)
    In: Zeitschrift für europarechtliche Studien, pp. 11-22

  • 3 of 1168 Publications