
Publication type

  1. IRG - AICCM. Gesetz über die internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen - Act on international cooperation in criminal matters Book
    Schomburg, Wolfgang ; Bohlander, Michael (2013)
    ISBN 9783406636776, Beck, München
  2. Universal jurisdiction as janus-faced. The dual nature of the German international criminal code Journal Article
    Langer, Máximo (2013)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 11(4), pp. 737-762
  3. Judicial lawmaking, discourse theory, and the ICTY on belligerent reprisals Contribution
    Kuhli, Milan ; Günther, Klaus (2012)
    In: Bogdandy, Armin; Venzke, Ingo (Eds.), International Judicial Lawmaking, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht, ), pp. 365-385
  4. Kill or be killed. Another look at Erdemović Journal Article
    Weigend, Thomas (2012)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 10(5), pp. 1219-1237
  5. German practice regarding enforcement of sentences passed by international criminal courts and tribunals Journal Article
    Elberling, Björn (2011)
    In: German Yearbook of International Law, pp. 665-670
  6. The Fujimori judgment: a president's responsibility for crimes against humanity as indirect perpetrator by virtue of an organized power apparatus Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2011)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 9(1), pp. 137-158
  7. Fighting Terrorism in a “Rechtsstaat” Contribution
    Gless, Sabine (2011)
    In: Spapens, A. (Eds.), Universalis. Liber amicorum Cyrille Fijnaut, Intersentia, Antwerpen, pp. 929-940
  8. The control theory of perpetration in international criminal law Journal Article
    Jain, Neha (2011)
    In: Chicago Journal of International Law, 12(1), pp. 159-200
  9. Western Sahara and universal jurisdiction in Germany Journal Article
    Bock, Stefanie (2010)
    In: Revue Belge de Droit International / Belgian Review of International Law, pp. 43-60
  10. Addressing white collar crime on a domestic level: any lessons learned for international criminal law? Journal Article
    Hefendehl, Roland (2010)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 8(3), pp. 769-782
  11. Criminal responsibility of German soldiers in Afghanistan: the case of Colonel Klein Journal Article
    Groeben, Constantin (2010)
    In: German Law Journal, 11(5), pp. 469-491
  12. Accountability for the torture memo. Prosecuting Guantanamo in Europe: can and shall the masterminds of the “torture memos” be held criminally responsible on the basis of universal jurisdiction? Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2009)
    In: Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 42(1/2), pp. 405-448
  13. German jurisprudence on genocidal intent and the European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms Contribution
    Werle, Gerhard (2007)
    In: Nuotio, Kimmo (Eds.), Festschrift in honour of Raimo Lahti, Faculty of Law Univ. of Helsinki, Helsinki, (Forum iuris, ), pp. 43-59