
Publication type
  • 11 of 1168 Publications

  1. Room for improvement: A critical assessment of 20 years of the code of crimes against international law in Germany from an NGO perspective Journal Article
    Kaleck, Wolfgang ; Schüller, Andreas (2024)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 21(4), pp. 857-870
  2. The protection of human dignity in interrogations. May interrogative torture ever be tolerated? Reflections in light of recent German and Israeli experiences Journal Article
    Gur-Arye, Miriam ; Jessberger, Florian (2011)
    In: Israel Law Review, 44(1-2), pp. 229-262
  3. The Gäfgen judgment of the European Court of Human Rights: on the consequences of the threat of torture for criminal proceedings Journal Article
    Ast, Stephan (2010)
    In: German Law Journal, 11(12), pp. 1393-1406
  4. Accountability for the torture memo. Prosecuting Guantanamo in Europe: can and shall the masterminds of the “torture memos” be held criminally responsible on the basis of universal jurisdiction? Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2009)
    In: Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 42(1/2), pp. 405-448
  5. Incommunicado detention in Germany: an example of reactive anti-terror legislation and long-term consequences Journal Article
    Oehmichen, Anna (2008)
    In: German Law Journal, 9(7), pp. 855-888
  6. Implementing the prohibition of torture on three levels. The United Nations, the Council of Europe, and Germany Journal Article
    Herrmann, Joachim (2008)
    In: Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 31(1), pp. 437-459
  7. Torture in Abu Ghraib: the complaint against Donald Rumsfeld under the German code of crimes against international law Journal Article
    Fischer-Lescano, Andreas (2005)
    In: German Law Journal, 6(3), pp. 689-724
  8. Bad torture - good torture? What international criminal lawyers may learn from the recent trial of police officers in Germany Journal Article
    Jessberger, Florian (2005)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 3(5), pp. 1059-1073
  9. May government ever use torture? Two responses from German law Journal Article
    Brugger, Winfried (2000)
    In: The American Journal of Comparative Law, 48(4), pp. 661-678

  • 11 of 1168 Publications